Works for a Brazilian Federal Court as a computer programmer, is a GNU/Linux user, is a LPIC-1 Certificated Professional, and is a partner of Nuke Lan House, a Game Center and Internet Cafe.
Besides :1:, makes volunteer translations for Linux Professional Institute and
Poznámky k prekladu
"Brazilian Federal Court": A Judicial Tribunal that judges cases related to Brazilian National Laws, rather than State or County laws. "GNU/Linux" is an Operating System Software, should not be translated. "LPIC-1" is a Professional Certificate issued by The Linux Professional Institute. "Nuke Lan House" is the name of the gaming center and should not be translated. ":1:" is our dearest watermelon icon!
If you have any doubts or suggestions, please send a message to this translation.
Thank you for your translation.
I noticed that the final part might be missing:
"...makes volunteer translations for Linux Professional Institute and".
If you could check it for me, I would be very pleased with your kindness.
Also, maybe in this context shouldn't the word "Zertificate" be prefered instead of "Diplom", like it is employed on the website of that certification: