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25 January 2012 15:31 - Submitted by marhaban
Arabic إبرة في كومة قش.

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25 January 2012 15:30 - Submitted by marhaban
Arabic أبطأ من سلحفاة.

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25 January 2012 15:29 - Submitted by marhaban
Arabic أبعد من الثريات.

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25 January 2012 15:27 - Submitted by marhaban
Arabic أتبع من الظل.

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25 January 2012 15:26 - Submitted by marhaban
Arabic اترك الشر يتركك.

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25 January 2012 15:25 - Submitted by marhaban
Arabic أجبن من نعامة

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25 January 2012 15:24 - Submitted by marhaban
English More fearful than an ostrich.

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25 January 2012 15:23 - Submitted by marhaban
English Leave evil, it will leave you.

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25 January 2012 15:22 - Submitted by marhaban
English Follows more than a shadow.

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25 January 2012 15:21 - Submitted by marhaban
English Farther than Pleiades.
The Pleiades are a group of stars in the sky.
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25 January 2012 15:20 - Submitted by marhaban
English Slower than a turtle.

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25 January 2012 15:19 - Submitted by marhaban
English A needle in a haystack.

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25 January 2012 11:44 - Submitted by marhaban
Arabic في الممر الضيّق لا مكان للأخ أو الصّديق.

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25 January 2012 11:43 - Submitted by marhaban
English At the narrow passage there is no brother and no friend.

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23 November 2010 13:57 - Submitted by marhaban
English Adversity tries freinds

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14 December 2009 20:54 - Submitted by typy
French L'eau a coulé sous les ponts.

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14 December 2009 20:54 - Submitted by typy
French Le règlement est l'affaire de la loi.

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14 December 2009 20:54 - Submitted by typy
French Ne fait pas au autre ce que tu ne veux pas qu'on te fasse.

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14 December 2009 20:54 - Submitted by typy
French Il n'y a pas de rose sans épine

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14 December 2009 20:54 - Submitted by typy
French Parlons peu mais parlons bien.

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14 December 2009 20:54 - Submitted by typy
French Ecoutez ce que vous dit votre meilleur ami.

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14 December 2009 20:54 - Submitted by typy
French Le meilleur ami de quelqu'un est celui qui ne s'en moque pas.

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14 December 2009 20:54 - Submitted by typy
French Le remède contre le destin est la patience.

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14 December 2009 20:54 - Submitted by typy
French Le jugement vient avant la bravoure.

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14 December 2009 20:54 - Submitted by typy
French C'est dans l'adversité que l'ont reconnais ses amis.

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14 December 2009 20:54 - Submitted by typy
French La parole est d'argent mais le silence est d'or.

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14 December 2009 20:54 - Submitted by typy
French Le temps est comme un sabre. Si tu ne coupe pas avec, il te coupera.

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14 December 2009 20:54 - Submitted by typy
French Ne jamais cesser d'apprendre.

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14 December 2009 20:54 - Submitted by typy
French Ne pleure pas pour celui qui ne pleure pas pour toi.

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14 December 2009 20:54 - Submitted by typy
French Tout les chiens ont jour.

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14 December 2009 20:54 - Submitted by typy
French Les chiens ne mangent pas les chiens.

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14 December 2009 20:54 - Submitted by typy
French L'histoire se répète.

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14 December 2009 20:54 - Submitted by typy
French Qui veut la paix, prépare la guerre.

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14 December 2009 20:54 - Submitted by typy
French Vit et apprends.

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14 December 2009 20:54 - Submitted by typy
French L'usage fait l'homme.

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14 December 2009 20:54 - Submitted by typy
French La vérité est plus forte que le mensonge.

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14 December 2009 20:54 - Submitted by typy
French La vérité éclate toujours.

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14 December 2009 20:54 - Submitted by typy
French Il n'y a pas de fumée sans feu.

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3 September 2009 23:50 - Submitted by marhaban
English DON'T cry over anyone who won't cry over you

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24 April 2009 20:24 - Submitted by ctestte
Portuguese brazilian Se você quer paz, se prepare para a guerra.

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24 April 2009 20:23 - Submitted by ctestte
Portuguese brazilian Todo cão tem seu dia.

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24 April 2009 20:22 - Submitted by ctestte
Portuguese brazilian Não coloque sua cabeça na boca dos leões.

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2 April 2009 20:17 - Submitted by ladybird_bratrice
Romanian timpul nu cruta pe nimeni

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2 April 2009 20:16 - Submitted by ladybird_bratrice
Romanian cu rabdare treci si marea

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13 February 2009 16:44 - Submitted by cristina_manoli
Romanian Orice creștere are și descreștere.

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13 February 2009 16:41 - Submitted by cristina_manoli
Romanian Nu iese fum fără foc.

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13 February 2009 16:41 - Submitted by cristina_manoli
Romanian Adevărul iese întotdeauna la lumină; Adevărul va ieși la iveală ca untdelemnul deasupra apei.

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13 February 2009 16:38 - Submitted by cristina_manoli
Romanian Omul cât trăiește învață.

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13 February 2009 16:37 - Submitted by cristina_manoli
Romanian Dacă vrei pace, pregătește-te pentru război.

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13 February 2009 16:37 - Submitted by cristina_manoli
Romanian Istoria se repetă.

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