Cucumis - Huduma huria ya utafsirishaji mtandaoni
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Nakala asilia - Kiingereza - Buddhas words

Hali kwa sasaNakala asilia
Nakala hii inapatikana katika lugha zifuatazo: KiingerezaKilatini

Category Sentence - Society / People / Politics

Buddhas words
Nakala ya kutafsiriwa
Tafsiri iliombwa na skjutvapen
Lugha ya kimaumbile: Kiingereza

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.
Maelezo kwa mfasiri
Can someone translate this quote into Latin? The quote is very important for my sight of life. I'd really appreciate it!
Ilihaririwa mwisho na Angelus - 1 Agosti 2008 19:23