Tafsiri - Kiasilindi-Kinorwe - Eitthvað er à loftinuHali kwa sasa Tafsiri
Nakala hii inapatikana katika lugha zifuatazo:
| | | Lugha ya kimaumbile: Kiasilindi
Eitthvað er à loftinu |
| | TafsiriKinorwe Ilitafsiriwa na Bamsa | Lugha inayolengwa: Kinorwe
Ethvert er i luften |
Ilisahihishwa au kuhaririwa mwisho na Hege - 30 Disemba 2007 16:46
Ujumbe wa hivi karibuni | | | | | 30 Disemba 2007 00:28 | | BamsaIdadi ya ujumbe: 1524 | Hei Hege,
Unfortunately I am still the only one that can vote for this one. Eggert has not been here for a while, and we do not know when he will be back. I know that my translation is right, but maybe we should wait and see. You are the expert...
Bamsa |