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10Tłumaczenie - Angielski-Turecki - Little Red Riding Hood

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Ten tekst jest dostępny w następujęcych językach: AngielskiTureckiNiemiecki

Little Red Riding Hood
Wprowadzone przez sema34
Język źródłowy: Angielski

Once upon a time there was a little girl called Little Red Riding Hood.She lived in a forest with her family.One day her mother asked her to take some cakes to her Granny.The wolf saw her and talked to her in forest.The wolf went to Granny's house before her.The wolf rushed in and locked the Granny in a cupboard and he Jumped into the bed.Then Little Red Riding Hood came.She was shocked when she saw the Granny, because her eyes,ears teeth bigger.

Kırmızı Başlıklı Kız

Tłumaczone przez Burak Eren
Język docelowy: Turecki

Bir zamanlar,Kırmızı Başlıklı Kız denen küçük bir kız varmış.Ailesiyle birlikte ormanda yaşarmış.Bir gün annesi,ondan büyükannesine çörek götürmesini istemiş.Kurt onu görmüş ve ormanda onunla konuşmuş.Kurt,büyükannenin evine Kırmızı Başlıklı Kız'dan önce gitmiş.Kurt aceleyle içeri dalmış ve büyükanneyi dolabın birine kilitlemiş ve yatağa doğru sıçramış.Sonra,Kırmızı Başlıklı Kız gelmiş.Büyükanneyi gördüğünde çok şaşırmış çünkü gözleri,kulakları,dişleri eskisinden daha büyükmüş.
Uwagi na temat tłumaczenia
Cake: Çörek,pasta,kek anlamlarını karşılıyor.
Ostatnio zatwierdzony albo edytowany przez Sunnybebek - 3 Marzec 2010 14:38

Ostatni Post


2 Marzec 2010 10:24

Liczba postów: 3769
Is it not a homework?

2 Marzec 2010 20:47

Burak Eren
Liczba postów: 25
I agree with u.

2 Marzec 2010 11:21

Liczba postów: 12396
Thanks for this notification merdogan.
Actually it is too late to reject Burak Eren's work, we'll try to be more careful next time!

2 Marzec 2010 22:14

Burak Eren
Liczba postów: 25
Ok..I guess,I should've known from the start that it looks like a homework