Hi Mesud
Another old one...
- Can you tell if the original is about pipes from a depth of 130 metres? Or if something else is meant? It is a bit cryptic in English...
- It was determined that both
the attachments and (the) covers of the pipe
had got or
were damaged
sounds a bit more natural; is this ok with respect to the original?
- It was obvious that two weeks ago, the sea conditions being adverse and not being supported in a correct and sufficient way, pipes got damaged
-> the Turkish language seems fond of this kind of structure, but in this case it sounds a bit awkward in English. How about this?
It was obvious that two weeks ago, because the sea conditions were adverse and the pipes were not supported correctly and sufficiently, pipes were damaged
- ameliorated sounds just a bit off, but I am not sure why. Could we use the more neutral 'improved' here? (see http://users.wpi.edu/~nab/sci_eng/97_Oct_17.html)
Also, in general, things don't improve by reviewing - after a review? reviewed and improved?