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번역 - 터키어-영어 - Geçen hafta yerinden çıkartılan borular Limanda...

현재 상황번역
이 본문은 다음 언어들로 가능합니다: 터키어영어

분류 사업 / 직업들

Geçen hafta yerinden çıkartılan borular Limanda...
tulga35에 의해서 게시됨
원문 언어: 터키어

Geçen hafta yüzotuzuncu metreden çıkartılan çıkış boruları Limanda incelendi.Bir borunun bağlantı kulaklarının kırık olduğu gözlemlendi.Her iki boru ek parçalarının ve kapaklarınında zarar gördüğü tespit edildi.İki hafta önce denizde oluşan kötü hava şartları ile birlikte boruların doğru ve yeterli bir şekilde desteklenmediğinden dolayı zarar gördüğü bellidir.Bu sebepten dolayı denizde inşaa edilecek boru hattının destekleme sistemleri tekrar gözden geçirilerek iyileştirilmelidir.

Last week, the outlet pipes...

Mesud2991에 의해서 번역되어짐
번역될 언어: 영어

Last week, the outlet pipes removed from a depth of one hundred and thirty meters were analyzed in the port. It was observed that the mountings of a pipe were broken. It was determined that both the attachments and covers of the pipe had got damaged. It was obvious that two weeks ago, because the sea conditions were adverse and the pipes were not supported correctly and sufficiently, pipes were damaged. For this reason, the support systems of the pipeline to be built in the sea should be reviewed and improved.
Lein에 의해서 마지막으로 검증 또는 수정되었습니다 - 2013년 2월 28일 10:29

마지막 글


2013년 2월 13일 13:28

게시물 갯수: 3389
Hi Mesud

Another old one...

- Can you tell if the original is about pipes from a depth of 130 metres? Or if something else is meant? It is a bit cryptic in English...

- It was determined that both the attachments and (the) covers of the pipe had got or were damaged
sounds a bit more natural; is this ok with respect to the original?

- It was obvious that two weeks ago, the sea conditions being adverse and not being supported in a correct and sufficient way, pipes got damaged
-> the Turkish language seems fond of this kind of structure, but in this case it sounds a bit awkward in English. How about this?
It was obvious that two weeks ago, because the sea conditions were adverse and the pipes were not supported correctly and sufficiently, pipes were damaged

- ameliorated sounds just a bit off, but I am not sure why. Could we use the more neutral 'improved' here? (see
Also, in general, things don't improve by reviewing - after a review? reviewed and improved?

2013년 2월 13일 16:18

게시물 갯수: 1331
- a depth of 130 metres ✓

I agree with your suggestions. ✓

2013년 2월 13일 16:45

게시물 갯수: 3389

2013년 2월 13일 16:48

게시물 갯수: 1331
Thank you very much for the adjustments Lein

2013년 2월 13일 21:54

게시물 갯수: 3769
and covers of the pipe got damaged..> and covers of the pipe HAD got damaged

because the sea conditions were..> by reason of bad conditions on the sea and not supported correctly and sufficiently of the pipes , pipes were damaged.

2013년 2월 14일 09:41

게시물 갯수: 3389

For the other one, have a look at my first post. I think the Turkish language likes this type of constructions, but they make for very confusing reading in English. That is why we changed the sentence around without changing the meaning

2013년 2월 14일 22:23

게시물 갯수: 3769
Dear Lein,
I didn't understand why did you change the sentences. They are two elementary sentences.
"by reason of bad conditions on the sea two weeks ago and not supported correctly and sufficiently of the pipes , pipes were damaged."
But you are our expert and you know better than me. I have nothing to say more.

2013년 2월 27일 10:39

게시물 갯수: 3389
Hi merdogan,

Your sentence just sounds rather convoluted and unnecessarily woolly in English.

by reason of bad conditions of the sea

because sea conditions were bad

The meaning of the two is exactly the same, but the second one sounds better in English.


the pipes, not being supported correctly and sufficiently, were damaged


because the pipes were not supported correctly and sufficiently, they were damaged

Again, the meaning is the same, but the second one sounds a lot more natural in English.
It is no problem at all (in fact, it is a positive thing) to change the structure of a sentence if that makes the sentence sound more natural in the target language, as long as the meaning is the same.

2013년 8월 23일 14:18

게시물 갯수: 2
Thanks to everybody for help.