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Tradução - Inglês-Árabe - I have not received a reaction to our mail with...

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Categoria Carta / Email

I have not received a reaction to our mail with...
Enviado por HAYAT55
Idioma de origem: Inglês

I have not received a reaction to our mail with results of your application. have you received it? Unfortunately your prior education is not sufficent for entry and the only possible alternative is a colloquium doctum.
Notas sobre a tradução

لم أستلم أي رد على رسالتنا يتضمن...

Traduzido por B. Trans
Idioma alvo: Árabe

لم أستلم أي رد على رسالتنا التي تتضمن نتائج طلبك الذي قدمتَه. هل استلمتها؟ لسوء الحظ تعليمك السابق لا يكفي للالتحاق والبديل الوحيد المتاح هو امتحان التأهيل.
Notas sobre a tradução
'colloquium doctum' is apparently an examination of abilities to help those who do not meet requirements to take a shot at it, here it has been translated according to its purpose
Último validado ou editado por B. Trans - 4 Maio 2008 20:29