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Texto Original - Inglês - Downlink/uplink bonding in peered mode - Bonds...

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Downlink/uplink bonding in peered mode - Bonds...
Texto a ser traduzido
Enviado por thierry schwartzmann
Idioma de origem: Inglês

Downlink/uplink bonding in peered mode - Bonds Internet access lines for all types of traffic (including encrypted traffic such as VPN) for aggregated downlink and uplink capacity when peered over the Internet with another BBNA device located at the headquarter office or data center. For single office setups optional Broadband Bonding Service subscription enables downlink/uplink bonding without requiring any BBNA devices at the headquarter office or data center.
12 Janeiro 2011 15:57

Últimas Mensagens


23 Janeiro 2011 13:59

Número de Mensagens: 12396
Hi Ian!

There is some specific vocabular I don't know in this text, so that I wouldn't translate it myself.

Do you think you could ?


CC: IanMegill2

24 Janeiro 2011 05:32

Número de Mensagens: 1671
I can't help either...