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Traducció - Danès-Anglès - Martin Luther King blev født I Atlanta,...

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Martin Luther King blev født I Atlanta,...
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Idioma orígen: Danès

Martin Luther King blev født I Atlanta, delstatshovedstaden i Georgia.

D.15 januar 1929.

Han var præst og negerleder,

Han var førende i protesten mod racediskrimination
i sydstaterne og modstander af voldsanvendelse i
kamp for borgerrettigheder. han var en af de største
menneskerettighedsforkæmpere på linje med Ghandi
og Mandela.

han var hovedtaler ved washington-marchen 28 augusti 1963.

han blev flere gange fængslet for sine synspunkter.

han blev dræbt ved et møde den 4. april 1968.
Notes sobre la traducció

Martin Luther King

Traduït per Bamsa
Idioma destí: Anglès

Martin Luther King was born in Atlanta, the capital of the state of Georgia.

January 15th, 1929.

He was a priest and a black leader.

He led the protests against racial discrimination
in the southern states and stood against the use of violence
in the fight for civil rights. He was one of the greatest
human right advocates in line with Ghandi
and Mandela.

He was the main speaker at the Washington march on August 28th, 1963.

He was imprisoned several times because of his political beliefs.

He was killed at a meeting on April 4th, 1968.
Darrera validació o edició per lilian canale - 15 Setembre 2008 02:32

Darrer missatge


14 Setembre 2008 14:08

lilian canale
Nombre de missatges: 14972
Hi Bamsa,

I've made some minor edition and set a poll.

14 Setembre 2008 16:09

Nombre de missatges: 20
"He was one of the greatest leaders in the civil rights movement,(--- no further suggestions)

14 Setembre 2008 16:13

Nombre de missatges: 1524
I can see that I missed one word from the Danish text.

"delstatshovedstaden i Georgia"

"the capital of the state of Georgia"

hovedstad -> capital

CC: lilian canale

14 Setembre 2008 16:17

lilian canale
Nombre de missatges: 14972
OK, go ahead! Edit that.

14 Setembre 2008 17:04

Nombre de missatges: 1
my suggestion is "he was a leading figure in the protests against racial discrimination"
no plural "s" in the end of greatest, "human rights", "imprisoned"