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Traducción - Croata-Inglés - gledale smo horror filmove zbog kojih poslije...

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Categoría Ficción / Historia - Sociedad / Gente / Polìtica

gledale smo horror filmove zbog kojih poslije...
Propuesto por antonija0425
Idioma de origen: Croata

gledale smo horror filmove zbog kojih poslije nismo mogle zaspati pa smo pricale o raznim stvarima, i tako svaki dan.ponekad smo isle na partye i tamo se ludo zabavljale.uzivala sam u svakom trenutku provedenom na moru s pijateljima.tako je prosao moj ljetni odmor uz zabavu i dobro raspolozenje.
Nota acerca de la traducción

We watched scary movies, and that is why...

Traducido por BORIME4KA
Idioma de destino: Inglés

We watched scary movies, and that is why we couldn't fall asleep after that, so we talked about different things - and it was like that every day. Sometimes we went to parties and there we had crazy fun. I enjoyed every moment on the seashore with the friends. So, that is what my summer holiday was like - having fun and being in a good mood all the time.
Última validación o corrección por lilian canale - 6 Septiembre 2008 17:23