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Traducción - Italiano-Inglés - Se é sporco, puliscilo.

Estado actualTraducción
Este texto está disponible en los siguientes idiomas: ItalianoInglés

Se é sporco, puliscilo.
Propuesto por Bamsa
Idioma de origen: Italiano

Se é sporco, puliscilo.

If it's dirty, clean it.

Traducido por lenab
Idioma de destino: Inglés

If it's dirty, clean it.
Última validación o corrección por lilian canale - 19 Septiembre 2008 22:41

Último mensaje


19 Septiembre 2008 19:33

Cantidad de envíos: 970
I think this is one of the series of translation requests of Bamsa, so it should be "If he's dirty, clean him"..

19 Septiembre 2008 21:00

Cantidad de envíos: 1084

19 Septiembre 2008 21:25

lilian canale
Cantidad de envíos: 14972
Oops! Hi Lenab,

When a translation is at the poll, the users may give suggestions for corrections, that's what the poll is about.
However sometimes those corrections are not necessary or the suggestion is incorrect. Therefore edits should be made when the expert in charge agrees to them, OK?
In this case, the line is isolated from the rest of the requests Bamsa made. Nothing in this special case indicates whether this is about someone or something. I'd say that it's more liable to be about something, otherwise the verb used would be "wash" or "bath" instead of "clean" (pulire). See what I mean?

I was also puzzled by these requests, isolated sentences that would be more logical that Bamsa had placed together in a sole request and I posted a message to him questioning that. Through his answer I realized that there wouldn't have been any difference if he had placed them altogether. The doubt would remain. The only clue we have is the verb used in each sentence to translate the pronoun according to it.

I hope you both understand why I think this line should read: "If it's dirty, clean it!"

CC: azitrad

19 Septiembre 2008 21:25

Cantidad de envíos: 1084
I understand, that was my first thought. I didn't know about Bamsa's requests.
So I'll change back.

19 Septiembre 2008 21:42

Cantidad de envíos: 2
perchè si tradurebbe in questo modo:if it is dirty, dean him/it