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Traduction - Anglais-Serbe - Naturally occurring glass

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Catégorie Site web / Blog / Forum - Exploration / Aventure

Naturally occurring glass
Proposé par Jovana01
Langue de départ: Anglais

Naturally occurring glass, especially obsidian, has been used by many Stone Age societies across the globe for the production of sharp cutting tools and, due to its limited source areas, was extensively traded. According to Pliny the Elder, Phoenician traders were the first to stumble upon glass manufacturing techniques at the site of the Belus River. Agricola, De re metallica, reported a traditional serendipitous "discovery" tale of familiar type

Prirodno stvoreno staklo

Traduit par kolundzic
Langue d'arrivée: Serbe

Prirodno stvoreno staklo, posebno obsidijan, koristilo se u mnogim društvima u kamenom dobu širom planete za produkciju oštrog alata za sečenje i zbog svojih retkih nalazišta sa njim se intenzivno trgovalo. Prema Pliniju Starijem, feničanski trgovci prvi su zastakljivali tehnikama preradjivanja stakla pokraj reke Belus. Agricola, De re metallica (katalog obrade minerala je navedeno slučajno otkriće srodnih vrsta.
Dernière édition ou validation par Cinderella - 14 Mars 2008 20:50