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Texte d'origine - Bulgare - С всички жени ли играеш

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С всички жени ли играеш
Texte à traduire
Proposé par tinad1983
Langue de départ: Bulgare

С всички жени ли играеш такава гадна игра? Но с мен няма да успееш, това, което си започнал ще си го довършиш!
Dernière édition par ViaLuminosa - 20 Janvier 2009 18:56

Derniers messages


19 Janvier 2009 22:01

Nombre de messages: 1285
I don't think this is Bulgarian. It looks strange to me.

20 Janvier 2009 00:24

Nombre de messages: 12396
Thanks having notified this text Maddie!

ViaLuminosa will confirm, but actually I think it is Bulgarian. But it's better to type it in cyrillics, "4" and "6" are letters that probably have no equivalent in the Latin alphabet.

Hello ViaL, could you help with that one? Thanks a lot!

Anyway, tinad1983, as it is a short text, if you haven't got any Bulgarian keyboard, here is one for you to type your text in cyrillic characters. Thank you.

CC: MÃ¥ddie ViaLuminosa

20 Janvier 2009 00:46

Nombre de messages: 1285
Now that I look at it, after reading your message, I think you're right, Franck.

20 Janvier 2009 09:40

Nombre de messages: 1116
It is Bulgarian indeed.

20 Janvier 2009 09:41

Nombre de messages: 12396
Thanks ViaL

20 Janvier 2009 17:59

Nombre de messages: 567
С всички жени ли играеш такава гадна игра?
С всички жени ли играеш такава гадна игра? Но с мен няма да успееш, това, което си започнал ще си го довършиш!

**In cyrrilics!**