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Traduction - Serbe-Anglais - Stisni na Forward i videćeš koji ti ...

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Catégorie Discussion

Stisni na Forward i videćeš koji ti ...
Proposé par frogtap23
Langue de départ: Serbe

Stisni na Forward i videćeš koji ti prijatelj/ica stalno gleda tvoj profil,a to znači da misli na tebe
Commentaires pour la traduction
a female friend added me on facebook through a mutual friend but i don't speak lithuanian and she keeps leaving me comments, i want to know if this is just spam or she is actualy trying to make conversation :).


Traduit par Gaga_86
Langue d'arrivée: Anglais

Click on "Forward" and you will see which friend always looks on your profile and that means that she thinks about you!
Commentaires pour la traduction
This is not Lithuanian, this is Serbian!
Dernière édition ou validation par lilian canale - 31 Mars 2009 16:32

Derniers messages


30 Mars 2009 15:29

Nombre de messages: 8
bolje bi zvuchalo bez toga ti