Cucumis - Senkotiza tradukservo interrete
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Traduko - Sveda-Angla - KLAGOMÃ…L

Nuna statoTraduko
Tiu teksto haveblas en la sekvaj lingvoj: SvedaAngla

Kategorio Letero / Retpoŝto

Submetigx per berzad
Font-lingvo: Sveda

På grund av flygförsening från Göteborg Cyti till Frankfurt Hahn i 6 timmar den 26 oktober 2008 fanns varken flyg eller något annat att resa från Frankfurt ,vidare där vi skulle resa till slutet (Studgart). Därför blev vi tvungna att betala extra för att komma i tid. Det kostade oss 2850 svenska kronor och vi begär att få de 2850 svenska kronor från Er och vi hoppas att vi kommer att flyga med Er kompani i framtiden igen.Vi hoppas att få ersättning för våra extra betalningar och oroligheter den dagen.


Tradukita per pias
Cel-lingvo: Angla

Due to a 6-hour delay on the flight from Gothenburg City to Frankfurt -Hahn on October 26th, 2008, there was no flight or other means of transportation to go from Frankfurt and further to our final destination (Stuttgart). That's why we had to spend some extra money in order to arrive in time. It cost us 2850 Swedish kronor and we demand to have that value refunded by you. We hope we'll fly by your airline in the future again. We expect to receive the compensation for that extra expense and for the inconvenience of that day.
Laste validigita aŭ redaktita de lilian canale - 13 Novembro 2008 15:52

Lasta Afiŝo


12 Novembro 2008 21:48

lilian canale
Nombro da afiŝoj: 14972
Hi Pia, I've made some corrections and set a poll, OK

Due to a 6 hour long delay on the flight from Gothenburg City to Frankfurt -Hahn at 26th October 2008, there was no flight or other means of transportation to go from Frankfurt and further to our final destination (Stuttgart). Because of that we were forced to pay extra to arrive in time. It cost us 2850 Swedish kronor and we demand to get the 2850 Swedish kronor from you, we hope to fly with your airline in the future again. We hope to receive compensation for our extra payment and inconvenience that day.

12 Novembro 2008 22:05

Nombro da afiŝoj: 8113
Thank you!

13 Novembro 2008 15:11

Nombro da afiŝoj: 73
very nice, but think that begär is: want to and hoppas is :hope to- It´s a little more polite ;-)