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Testo originale - Inglese - The courses described in this ...

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The courses described in this ...
Aggiunto da doraleite
Lingua originale: Inglese

The courses described in this pamphlet are implemented in cooperation between Humana People to People and their three schools within the DRH-movement all based in the United States.
Since their establishment, these schools have cooperated with Humana People to People by training development instructors from around the world to be a part of creating development together with the people at and around projects mainly in Africa.
The development instructor programs to Africa will continue, but from 2008, an increased focus will be placed on courses that have the purpose of uniting the people of the Americas in the fight against poverty in our hemisphere.
Note sulla traduzione
Original text:

The courses described in this pamplet are implemened in corporation between humana people to people and there three school within the drah-moviment all basea in the united states.
since their establishment, these schools have cooperated with humana people to people by training development instructors from around thr world to be a part of criating development together with the peaple at and around projects mainly in africa.
the development instructor programas to africa will continue, but from 2008, an increased focus will be placed on courses that have the purpose oh uniting the people of the americans in the fight against poverity in our hemisphere.

See these websites:
Ultima modifica di kafetzou - 23 Settembre 2008 16:50

Ultimi messaggi


23 Settembre 2008 15:06

lilian canale
Numero di messaggi: 14972

[6] CORRIJA SEU TEXTO. Se você mesmo(a) houver escrito ou transcrito seu texto, por favor verifique-o em busca de erros, mesmo que você não tenha conhecimentos da língua em que ele está escrito. Textos com erros são bastante difíceis de traduzir.

23 Settembre 2008 16:51

Numero di messaggi: 7963
I have corrected it.

See these websites:
Humana People to People
DRH Movement

23 Settembre 2008 16:54

Numero di messaggi: 7963
I forgot to notify you two - I have corrected the text.

CC: lilian canale goncin

23 Settembre 2008 18:08

Numero di messaggi: 3706
Thanks, Kaf. Now I can release it from the standby.