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Testo originale - Inglese - If she'd have known She'd have shown me in I...

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Questo testo è disponibile nelle seguenti lingue: IngleseTurco

Categoria Canzone

Questa richiesta di traduzione è "Solo significato".
If she'd have known She'd have shown me in I...
Aggiunto da bentropolojik_benisizm
Lingua originale: Inglese

If she'd have known
She'd have shown me in
I need to taste her pain
For encouragement
For accomplishment
See, I can only take it out on you
There's no-one else I can trust
See, I can only take it out on you
There's no-one else but us around
You hide these things so well
There's no finding
You hide these things so well
There's no finding,no finding
18 Ottobre 2008 10:19