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Testo originale - Inglese - we have made several a attempts to contact you by...

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Questo testo è disponibile nelle seguenti lingue: IngleseTurco

Categoria Lettera / Email - Affari / Lavoro

we have made several a attempts to contact you by...
Aggiunto da dml08
Lingua originale: Inglese

we have made several a attempts to contact you by telephone to remind you of your obligation to Yes-Present.your charge account payment is seriously past due and your have not returned our telephone this point, you must take immediate action to bring your account current.until you do, we will suspend the available credit on your account.ıf you can not make your payment today, call ali üstün at Yes-Present 000 00 00 immediately to let us know when you will.sincerely
Ultima modifica di lilian canale - 27 Marzo 2009 23:44