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Traduzione - Greco-Inglese - ξέρεις και ελληνικά

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Questo testo è disponibile nelle seguenti lingue: GrecoInglese

Categoria Vita quotidiana - Computers / Internet

ξέρεις και ελληνικά
Aggiunto da Sickdog1674
Lingua originale: Greco

ξέρεις και ελληνικά
Note sulla traduzione
American English

You also know (speak) Greek.

Tradotto da User10
Lingua di destinazione: Inglese

You also know Greek.
Note sulla traduzione
"You also know Greek (or: you also speak Greek)" (in addition to other languages).It looks like a question to me, even thought there is no question mark in the original. I'll give a second translation in case the requester forgot or omitted the question mark (greek question mark looks like semicolon (;) ): "ξέρεις και ελληνικά; " - Do you also know (/speak) Greek?
Ultima convalida o modifica di Lein - 27 Gennaio 2011 12:40