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27Traduzione - Francese-Greco - Pas mort ? ! ?

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Pas mort ? ! ?
Aggiunto da cucumis
Lingua originale: Francese Tradotto da jp

Un update du backend pour cucumis !

Et oui j'ai eu quelques heures aujourd'hui pour faire quelques mises à jour principalement pour la sécurité.

D'abotd, le site est disponible en https désormais (ça fait déjà quelques semaines).

Egalement, les mots de apsse étaient stockés en clair ans la base de donnée. Désormais ils sont hashés.

Et pour finir, un bouton [DELETE SPAMMER] pour les admins.

Happy 2019 à vous tous.

Attenzione, questa traduzione non è ancora stata valutata da un esperto, potrebbe essere sbagliata!
Δεν είναι νεκρό ; ! ;

Tradotto da Tritonio
Lingua di destinazione: Greco

Μια αναβάθμιση για το σύστημα υποστήριξης του Cucumis!

Ναι, σήμερα είχα μερικές ώρες διαθέσιμες για να αναβαθμίσω μερικά πράγματα, κυρίως σχετικά με την ασφάλεια.

Πρώτα από όλα, η σελίδα πλέον είναι διαθέσιμη μέσω https για ασφάλεια (έγινε πριν μερικές βδομάδες).

Επίσης, οι κωδικοί αποθηκεύονταν σαν καθαρό κείμενο στην βάση δεδομένων. Αυτό διορθώθηκε, τώρα οι κωδικοί κατατεμαχίζονται κρυπτογραφικά.

Και, τέλος, ένα κουμπί [ΔΙΑΓΡΑΦΗ ΑΝΕΠΙΘΥΜΗΤΟΥ ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΕΑ] για τους διαχειριστές.

Ευτυχισμένο το 2019 σε όλους σας!
Note sulla traduzione
The title is a bit weird. I assume that by dead you mean the website and not some group of people (like the owners and/or admins of the site). If you mean the people change "νεκρό" to "νεκροί". But in general "νεκρό" sounds way more morbid in Greek than it does in English so I would avoid it in a title if I could but I am having trouble thinking of alternative titles to propose.

"backend" is quite hard to translate. I translated it as "support system" but you might as use it as-is ("Μια αναβάθμιση για το backend του Cucumis!") or drop it alltogether and just say "An update in Cucumis" -> "Μια αναβάθμιση για το Cucumis!".

"yep" is easy to translate but you didn't have a comma after it but I think it looks really wrong without one at least in greek. So I put a comma to keep the pace of reading fast but if it were my text I would put an exclamation mark after it and then start a new sentence.

"hash" is also terrible if you translate it cause nobody knows about these translations and usually we use the English word. But I found the translation and took the freedom to assume that you mean a cryptographically secure hash function (not just any hash function) in order to add the translation for cryptographic, because then the reader will at least have an idea what we are talking about. Just "κατατεμαχίζονται" means pretty much nothing to most readers but add "cryptographic" and at least they will get that this is somethign about securing the passwords.

I translated "SPAMMER" as "unwanted sender". If you have already used a different translation in the past about this word on the website we should probably repeat that. Point me to it and I'll try to mimic it.

"Happy new 2019" without "to all of you!" sounds a bit better when translated in greek. But I translated the whole sentence to stay close to the original.
25 Aprile 2019 11:24