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Prevođenje - Francuski-Engleski - CV pour un stage

Trenutni statusPrevođenje
Ovaj tekst je dostupan u sljedećim jezicima: FrancuskiEngleski

Kategorija Posao / Zaposlenja

CV pour un stage
Poslao pimousscitron
Izvorni jezik: Francuski

école Intuit/Lab
Une année à Strate Collège
Bac STI arts appliqués

Création d'une affiche sur le thème du jetable avec le graphiste chinois Y+
Aide à la conception d'affiches publicitaires de marques de luxe tels que N+ et autres pour les O+ lors d'un stage de 2 semaines au sein de l'entreprise.
Première approche du monde du graphisme lors d'un stage d'une semaine à L+ (magazine annuel)

Compétences techniques:
3DsMax (notions)
Possibilité d'aprentissage d'autres logiciels
Evolution sous Mac OS et Windows
Primjedbe o prijevodu
c'est un CV à traduire, le vocabulaire et parfois un peu pointu et j'ai pas asser d'expérience en anglais...
merci d'avance!

école=école d'art supérieure
STI=Sciences et techniques industrielle

CV for an internship

Preveo zabouti
Ciljni jezik: Engleski

Intuit school/lab
One year at Strate College
Baccalaureat in Science and Industrial Techiques

Created a poster with a 'throw away' theme with the Chinese graphic artist Y...
Helped conceive advertising posters for luxury brands such as N... and O... during a two week internship in the heart of the enterprise.
First learned about the world of graphics during a one-week internship at L..., a yearly magazine.

Technical abilities:
3DsMax (some experience)
Willing to learn other software
Competent in Mac OS and Windows
Primjedbe o prijevodu
This is very rough. I'm not sure of the exact meaning of "Evolution".

I think that "stage" is being used more like "internship" than "training", but I'm not sure.

I hope this helps.

- ge

Note from validator: I changed "training" to "internship", because you don't need a CV for training, so I'm guessing this person is applying for another internship somewhere. Also, I took out the X from Mac OS X - there's no X in the original, although I agree that that's probably what he meant. Anyhow, he'll have to fix that himself.
Posljednji potvrdio i uredio kafetzou - 7 travanj 2007 16:09