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Source language
Turkish Evde fare var diyen kiz normal oldunu anlamali,...
Evde fare var diyen kız normal olduğunu anlamalı, çünkü senin gibi kaşarlar olduktan sonra lağım faresi bile gelir.

Completed translations
English The girl who says...
Swedish Flickan som säger
Source language
Romanian Olguța era foarte pretențioasă când venea vorba...
Olguța era foarte pretențioasă când venea vorba de scrisori. Avea mereu tot felul de coli și mărimi de plicuri. Nu putea accepta să aibă o hârtie tip pentru toată corespondența, după cum nu scria la fel tuturora. Își proporționa singură forma și mărimea hârtiei, după conținut. Niciodată un plic de-al Olguței nu dădea impresia unui palton prea strâmt, după cum nici scrisorile ei nu păreau petice de hârtie din greșeală strecurate într-un plic disproporționat de mare. Scrisorile către el erau gândite și așezate în plicuri anume.
engleza britanica

Completed translations
English Olguța was very particular when it came...
12Source language12
Bulgarian Любовни спомени
Ти понякога си усмивката на устните ми,
понякога си сълзата в очите ми.
Понякога - огъня в душата ми,
но винаги ще бъдеш,
от моето мъничко сърце - едно огромно парче!

Не плачи, когато някой си отива,
изпращай го с радостни очи.
Дори и болката да те надвива,
вдигни глава и пак се усмихни.

Мога да те забравя, но не искам.
Мога да превърна чувствата си в лед.
Мога да имам, когото поискам,
но аз искам само теб!

Completed translations
English Love memories
Spanish A veces eres una sonrisa en mis ...
Greek Αναμνήσεις αγάπης
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Greek dedomena
Με τον όρο δεδομένο (datum πληθ. data) εννοούμε κάθε μορφή πληροφορίας, που έχει κάποια σημασία είτε από μόνο του είτε κυρίως σε σχέση με τα άλλα στοιχεία με τα οποία παρουσιάζεται π.χ. ένας τηλεφωνικός αριθμός. Αποτελούν την πρώτη ύλη για παραγωγή πληροφορίας. Τα δεδομένα παρουσιάζονται με σύμβολα, που από μόνα τους δεν αποτελούν πληροφορία. Αποκτούν νόημα, αν ερμηνευτούν κατά τρόπο χρήσιμο στον άνθρωπο. Για παράδειγμα, ο τηλεφωνικός αριθμός από μόνος του δεν έχει και πολύ σημασία μέχρι να γίνει αντιστοίχιση με κάποιο όνομα.
thelo na metafrasti sta agglika

Completed translations
English Data
Source language
Italian Lettera per una ragazza
Tu, colpevole solo del tuo fascino, della tua straordinaria capacità di riuscire a vedere quell'ultimo granello di bene che rimane nel cuore di molte persone... accetta solo quel poco che per ora posso offrirti senza chiederti nulla in cambio. So come ci si sente quando, seppur circondati da migliaia di persone, in realtà si è soli ad affrontare la vita, nel prendere delle decisioni difficili, ad essere rifiutati, ad essere delusi, ad essere abbandonati, a dover fare ciò che in realtà nel profondo del cuore non vorremmo fare.
Chiedo gentilmente di tradurre nel modo più vicino possibile al testo italiano, senza reinterpretare troppo, utilizzando un linguaggio formale, elegante, ricco e complesso. Grazie.

Completed translations
Brazilian Portuguese Carta para uma garota
Source language
Greek Όσο ζω και αναπνέω θα σε αγαπώ και θα σε...
Όσο ζω και αναπνέω θα σε αγαπώ και θα σε προσέχω 8-1-10
Bridge by User10: "As long as I'm alive and breathing I'll love you and take care of you. 8-1-10"

Completed translations
Spanish Mientras yo viva ...
Latin Dum vivo et spiro, te amabo et tuebor.
Source language
Danish Lær mig at kende, og se, hvem jeg er (: ...
Lær mig at kende, og se, hvem jeg er (:
Er ikke en skuespiller, men en person i virkelighedens spillefilm blandt andre..
Bridge by Bamsa:
"Learn to know me and see who I am.
I am not an actor, but a person in the real life movie, among others."

Completed translations
Brazilian Portuguese Aprenda a me conhecer ...
Italian Impara a conoscermi e guarda chi sono.
Latin Disce ut me cognoscas
10Source language10
Bulgarian Цели се винаги в Луната...
Цели се винаги в Луната, защото дори да не уцелиш пак ще си сред звездите.
Моля, да бъде преведно по смисъл, а не буквален превод.

Completed translations
Spanish Apunta siempre a la luna...
Greek Πάντα στόχευε στο φεγγάρι...
French Il faut toujours viser la lune car ...
English Always aim for the moon, even if you ...
Hebrew תכוון תמיד
Arabic أنظر دائما إلى القمر...
Russian Всегда стремитесь к Луне
Italian Punta sempre verso la luna....
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Italian magari fosse sempre cosi,mi manchi
Magari fosse sempre così, mi manchi.

Completed translations
Spanish Te echo de menos
Source language
English And in laboratories around the ...
And in laboratories around the globe, laser-cooled Cesium and Rubidium fountain clocks reach an incredible fractional accurancy of about 6 x 10.

Completed translations
Romanian Și în laboratoarele din toată...
Source language
English Learn Languages Online "Translation Vocabulary"...
Learn Languages Online

"Translation Vocabulary" is a free wiki for learning languages online. Share vocabulary lists with other students and teachers, contribute translations, learn using the flashcards, games and exercises, and obtain printable resources for classroom use as worksheets or exams.
From the website:

Completed translations
German Lernen Sie Sprachen online "Translation Vocabulary"...
Romanian Învaţă Limbi Străine Online "Translation Vocabulary"
Source language
Italian Iconophobic WS review
Quelli di Iconophobic sono dei quadri sonori che trasmettono di volta in volta angoscia, smarrimento e forza in perenne bilico tra Medio Oriente e occidente.

Completed translations
English Iconophobic
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish Teşkürler tatlım..Billiyorsun ki bizim dinimizde...
Teşkürler tatlım.Billiyorsun ki bizim dinimizde noel kutlamak yasak

Completed translations
English Christmas greeting...
Source language
Turkish Bıldır 5 urupla tahıl almıştım 3 uruplasını...
Bıldır 5 urupla tahıl almıştım 3 uruplasını ötağan 7 batman patates ile değiştik 2 uruplasınıda hibe ettik.Kaynım seyurderek tarlayı ekti ama çok müleves çalıştığı için ayruhsu bir duruma düştü.Sonra ben onu gözetirken sinitmişin biri önümden çenileye çenileye geçti

Completed translations
English Last year I bought 5 quarters of grain ...
Source language
Estonian Toredat
Toredat aastavahetust teile, olgu järgmine aasta ikka eelmistest parem ja olge siis ikka tublid
Não tenho como ajudar pois desconheço completamente o idioma.
Poderia ser ingles EUA.

Completed translations
English Happy New year's Eve!
Brazilian Portuguese Feliz Ano Novo
French Bon Réveillon
Italian Buon Capodanno!
Dutch Gelukkig Nieuwjaar
Source language
Turkish aşkın yaşı yok
aşkın yaşı yok

Completed translations
English There is no age for love.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Azerbaijani man sani seviram hec vaht unutmaram öpuram. ...
man sani seviram hec vaht unutmaram öpuram.

salam manim guyarcinim.

Completed translations
Russian я люблю тебя никогда не забуду целую
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