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Source language
Bosnian iznad tesjna zorasvice ljubav nassa jeca bice...
iznad tesjna zorasvice ljubav nassa jeca bice iznad tesjna sunse sija radujemse sunsu i ja oppa. stose nizu moji dani kao biseri. jel na kraju puta moga stojis samo ti aaa stojis smo ti pusti nekka malo dusa ommori oppa.

Completed translations
Turkish Teşany üzerinde gün ağarıyor
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Russian Солнышко,сегодня нашла турецкий переводчик и хочу...
Солнышко,сегодня нашла турецкий переводчик и хочу написать тебе все, что не смогла сказать.

Completed translations
Turkish Güneşçiğim
34Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".34
Macedonian Zajdi zajdi jasno sonce Zajdi pomrachi se. Ä° ti...
Zajdi zajdi jasno sonce
Zajdi pomrachi se.
Ä° ti jasna le mesechinoBegaj udavi se.
Crni goro, crni sestro, Dvajca da crnime.
Ti za tvojte lisja le goro
Ja za mojta mladost. Tvojta lisja goro sestro,
Pa ke se povratat.
Mojta mladost g le Nema da se.

Completed translations
Turkish Saklan, saklan parlak güneş...
Source language
English Got a black magic woman, I got a black magic...
Got a black magic woman,
I got a black magic woman
I got a black magic woman got me so blind I can't see
I got a black magic woman
She try'in to make a devil out of me

Turn your back on me baby
Turn your back on me baby don't turn babe
You might just pick up my magic sticks

Got your spell on me baby,
Got your spell on me baby turnin my heart into stone
I need you so bad magic woman I can't leave you alon

Completed translations
Turkish Kara büyülü bir kadın var,
Source language
Italian Ma il 1812 fu l'anno disastrosa campagna...
Ma il 1812 fu l'anno disastrosa campagna napoleonica di Russia,il cui esito aggravo' ulteriormente la situazione interna.

Completed translations
Turkish Ama 1812 Napoleone Bonaparte'ın ......
Source language
Dutch Faruk ik mis je, mijn leven betekent niks zonder...
Faruk ik mis je, mijn leven betekent niks zonder jou, mijn hart zal blijven bloeden als je niet voor altijd bij me blijft.

Completed translations
Turkish Faruk Seni özlüyorum , Sensiz hayatım hiç birşey ifade etmiyor,daima yanımda olmazsan eğer ..
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish sini ne kadar cok sevdigimi bir ...
sini ne kadar cok sevdigimi bir bilsen ah bir anlasan olsum ucunda ama yinede severim seni askim

Completed translations
French Si seulement tu savais combien je t'aime fort...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Dutch Ik kan 25 okt wel iets regelen
Ik wil ook een keer met je naar de film toe!
Ik kan 25 okt wel iets regelen, jij ook?
Werd wel weer eens tijd he.

Completed translations
Turkish Bende seninle bir kere film'e gitmek isterim! 25 ekimde..
Source language
Greek θα ηθελα να ησουν εδω στην αγκαλια μου
θα ηθελα να ησουν εδω στην αγκαλια μου

Completed translations
Turkish Burda benim kucağımda olmanı isterdim.
Source language
French coucou mon amour,un petit message pour te dire...
coucou mon amour,un petit message pour te dire que tu me manques,il n'y à pas un jours ou je ne pense pas à toi.
ton amour me manques je voudrai être a nouveau dans tes bras , j'y étais si bien!
je voudrai tellement être à nouveau à tes côtés.
je t'aime tu es dans mon coeur chaque jours que dieu fait

Completed translations
Turkish Merhaba aşkım, seni özlediğimi sana söylemek için...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish Alışveriş yapmayı seviyorum
Alışveriş yapmayı seviyorum

Completed translations
French J'aime faire les courses.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Italian ciao mi chiamo M.
ciao mi chiamo M.
<name abbrev.>

Completed translations
French Salut, je m'appelle M.
Source language
Portuguese te adoro, muito... você é perfeito
te adoro, muito...
você é perfeito
francês da frança

Completed translations
French Je t'adore, vraiment... Tu es parfait
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Danish hvad laver din Spion i min by pas på
hvad laver din Spion i min by

pas på

Completed translations
Turkish Senin casusunun ....
Source language
Dutch Hartelijk Gefeliciteerd (met je 25e verjaardag)
Hartelijk Gefeliciteerd (met je 25e verjaardag)
Het gedeelte wat ik tussen haakjes heb staan in de vertaling ook graag tussen haakjes plaatsen zodat ik 'hartelijk gefeliciteerd' ook nog eens zonder de rest kan gebruiken

Completed translations
Turkish ( yaş gününü) içtenlikle...
Source language
Turkish gonlumun prensi
gonlumun prensi

Completed translations
English Prince of my heart
Source language
Spanish Justamente por ser como eres.Por eso me...
Justamente por ser como eres.Por eso me gustas.Por tus manos pequeñas.Tu forma de andar y tu pelo.Por tus cejas pobladas.Y por ese extraño halo que tienes.Justamente por eso me gustas.Nunca cambies.Hasta luego diosa,hechicera.
Quitame el hechizo.

Completed translations
Romanian Tocmai pentru felul cum eÅŸti.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Croatian Mnogi od nas se niti ...
Mnogi od nas se niti ne sjećaju da su se u Zelini nekad vozile motokros utrke. U samom mjestu bila je zapuštena motokros staza na kojoj su 4x4 OFFROADeri svake godine održavali Extrem natjecanje (najteži tereni).

Completed translations
French Peu d'entre nous s'en souviennent...
Romanian Deşi puţini dintre noi îşi mai amintesc, Zelina era o prezenţă obişnuită a competiţiilor de motocross.
Source language
Spanish te echo de menos mi amor, estoy enamorada de deti...
te echo de menos mi amor, estoy muy enamorada de de ti, te llevaré siempre en mi corazón. te quiero

Completed translations
Italian Mi manchi, amore mio.
Source language
Brazilian Portuguese Senhor, eu não sou digno de que entreis em minha...
Senhor, eu não sou digno de que entreis em minha morada, mas dizei uma palavra eu serei salvo.

Completed translations
Latin Dominus non sum dgnis
Italian Signore, non sono degno di partecipare...
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