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Translation - German-Romanian - Allgemeine Vertragsbestimmungen für Architekten und Ingenieure

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: GermanRomanian

Allgemeine Vertragsbestimmungen für Architekten und Ingenieure
Submitted by iovel
Source language: German

Allgemeine Vertragsbestimmungen für Architekten und Ingenieure

Clauze contractuale generale pentru arhitecţi şi ingineri.

Translated by MÃ¥ddie
Target language: Romanian

Prevederi generale ale contractului pentru arhitecţi şi ingineri.
Remarks about the translation
Salvo's bridge, thank you :):

General contract (agreement) provisions for architects and engineers .

Alt: Clauze contractuale generale pentru arhitecţi şi ingineri.
Last validated or edited by azitrad - 8 October 2008 13:52