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Translation - English-Arabic - The cure for anything is salt water: swet tears...

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: EnglishHebrewArabic

Category Thoughts - Arts / Creativity / Imagination

The cure for anything is salt water: swet tears...
Submitted by lualves02
Source language: English

The cure for anything is salt water, sweet tears or the sea.
Remarks about the translation
hebráico - mulher

العلاج من أي شيء هو الماء المالح والحلو او دموع البحر.

Translated by bjk_bjk83
Target language: Arabic

العلاج من أي شيء هو الماء المالح،أو الدموع الحلوة او ماء البحر.
Last validated or edited by jaq84 - 14 September 2009 11:19