Sen jokainen liike on sulava ja hiottu. Siinä missä koira lähestyy ihmisystäviään nöyrästi liehakoiden, osoittaa kissa kiintymystään ja ystävyyttään valikoivammin ja tasavertoisempana kumppanina. Kissan kiintymys ja kunnioitus täytyy ansaita. Kissa on yhtä uskollinen kuin koira, mutta valitsee ystävyytensä kohteen tarkemmin. Voi sanoa, että kissoissa on todella taikaa.
Every movement it made was graceful and lapidary. While the dog approaches human friendship in its humble adulation, the cat shows its affection and friendship with more selection as an equal companion. Cat's affection and respect must be gained. A cat is as faithful as a dog but it chooses more carefully the counterpart of its friendship. It could be said that cats are really fascinating.
Last validated or edited by lilian canale - 21 October 2009 13:11
I mean , considering the aspect which resembles human friendship. I tried to maintain finnish " Siinä missä " ( lit. there( place) where).
"Fascination" would be the capability to attract interest, however feel free to change it with some other word if you think that it does not fit to this text.Maybe " It could be said that really cats can charm (a man)"
I'd rather would say "it", because cats and dogs are animals. Its every movement weregraceful... and later but it chooses more carefully... (I think that all cats are femine - My opinion)