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42Translation - Italian-English - Amore amico, vivi con me, Amore sincero e sereno...

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Category Poetry - Love / Friendship

Amore amico, vivi con me, Amore sincero e sereno...
Submitted by jonas 1
Source language: Italian Translated by Maybe:-)

Amore amico,
vivi con me,
Amore sincero e sereno
Amore di sogno,
amore di irrealtà,
un giorno, dammi un'opportunità

Friend love,live with me.Honest ...

Translated by jedi2000
Target language: English

Friend love,
live with me.
Honest and quiet love
bring me peace,
Dream love,
love of unreality,
one day, give me an opportunity.
Last validated or edited by lilian canale - 16 November 2010 11:46