Cucumis - خدمة الترجمة المجانية على الخط
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ترجمة - ألماني-فرنسي - radiateur

حالة جاريةترجمة
هذا النص متوفر في اللغات التالية: ألمانيإسبانيّ فرنسي

إقترحت من طرف levraicameleon
لغة مصدر: ألماني

Die Ware, wird nach Zahlungseingang auf das Konto des Verkäufers, versendet.
Die Kontodaten werden Ihnen im Anschluss angezeigt und gehen Ihnen zusätzlich per Email zu.
ملاحظات حول الترجمة
traduire en francais de belgique


ترجمت من طرف gamine
لغة الهدف: فرنسي

Les marchandises seront envoyées dés l'arrivée du paiement sur le compte des vendeurs.
En plus, les données du compte vous seront confirmées par e mail.
آخر تصديق أو تحرير من طرف Francky5591 - 16 تموز 2008 10:55

آخر رسائل


15 تموز 2008 16:32

عدد الرسائل: 3389
Also, they are waiting for the money to arrive in the vendor's account, not the buyer's!

15 تموز 2008 17:50

عدد الرسائل: 4611
Hi lein. Have read the last sentence again and I thought that "zusätlich " meant " en plus", but of course, it can also mean, now that I have thougt it over, that the buyers would been informed by e-mail
"en plus". Thanks for yr comments. I'll ask Francky to reject the translation. Do you think it will be okay this way.

15 تموز 2008 17:55

عدد الرسائل: 4611
Hi Francky. It seems I have made some important errors in this translation. Suppose, I didn't take my time to think it really over. Please reject the translation, and you know I feel real sorry because you believed in me. Well, it was the first time I did a mistake in Germain, but will do my best not to do it anymore.

15 تموز 2008 18:01

عدد الرسائل: 3389
I think if you take Lila's and my comments the translation would be perfect, Gamine!
(Criticising is easy... I couldn't do the translation myself!)

15 تموز 2008 18:35

عدد الرسائل: 3785
Maybe we can just edit the translation ?

CC: Francky5591

15 تموز 2008 18:38

عدد الرسائل: 4611
Hi Lein. It's very kind of you, but as Francky has validated it, I can't correct it anymore. No buttom : "modify" so I'm afraid it's to late. Anyway, thanks for your help. Will leave a word for Francky;

15 تموز 2008 18:46

عدد الرسائل: 4611
Hi J.P. Can you help me please unlocking the bottom so I can modify my translation, which , with lein's help should be read as follows : 1)" des l'arrivée du paiement sur le compte des vendeurs". 2) " confirmées sans supplement par e mail".
Merci de choisir la solution qui te convient le mieux.

15 تموز 2008 19:09

Lila F.
عدد الرسائل: 159
I only said that the last sentence has a mistake. Of course you can edit it again and accept it, please!

15 تموز 2008 19:14

Lila F.
عدد الرسائل: 159
Peut-être "confirmées par e mail de plus (ou en outre)"

15 تموز 2008 21:07

عدد الرسائل: 7963
contre un supplément --> ??

15 تموز 2008 23:28

عدد الرسائل: 4611
Hi Kafetzou. I vould like to modify this translation. Dont know how, as already validated, but as you are an admins perhaps you can help me telling me how to do. As it already validated I cant find "the buttom: modify". Thanks a lot.

15 تموز 2008 23:43

عدد الرسائل: 4611
Hi Francky. Please tell me what to do with this translation. I mixed together "Kaüfer" and "Verkaüfer. I REALLY FEEL SORRY ABOUT IT. You can reject it if you want, but please let me know.

16 تموز 2008 00:30

عدد الرسائل: 7963
gamine, you can change it now.

16 تموز 2008 00:40

عدد الرسائل: 2747
Salut Gamine

Pas de panique, je peux éditer ta traduction sans problème.

Comment tu trouves ceci:

"Les marchandises seront envoyées dés l'arrivée du paiement sur le compte des vendeurs.
En plus, les données du compte vous seront confirmées par email."

Et ne t'inquiètes pas tout le monde oublie un ou deux mots ou traduit à contresens de temps en temps (surtout moi ) Sinon nous, les Experts, nous serions au chômage


16 تموز 2008 00:45

عدد الرسائل: 4611
Thanks to tantine et kafetzou. Really pleased to find someone to help me. I feel so bad when I do something wrong. Yes Tantine, if you could do it, I would be very happy, and your version is perfect. ThANKS AGAIN TO BOTH OF YOU.

16 تموز 2008 01:22

عدد الرسائل: 4611
Thanks kafetzou. I have been able to change this translation. Feel much better now.

16 تموز 2008 02:45

عدد الرسائل: 7963
Tantine is right - don't worry - we all make mistakes (me too - often!).

16 تموز 2008 02:51

عدد الرسائل: 7963
By the way - it's "du vendeur", not "des vendeurs", and part of the second sentence has not been translated - it means "the account information is indicated in the attachment AND will be sent to you in a separate e-mail as well" - there is nothing there that means "en plus", I don't think.

Also, "die Ware" is not plural (but my French isn't good enough to know if it should be in French - in English it would be "the merchandise" [singular] or "the goods [plural]).

16 تموز 2008 05:19

عدد الرسائل: 2747
Thanks Kafetzou,

I'll incorporate your suggestions into the text. I think we can put "marchandise" in singular. The "en plus" is the "as well" so I guess either could fit.


16 تموز 2008 08:01

عدد الرسائل: 7963
Oh - OK.
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