8a se skotwsw. n t ksereis! stauroula/ Nai re alla pisteuw oti dn mporei na vlepei na s peritrigurizoun tosa koritsia kai esu na mn kaneis tpt!!An tn 8es prepei n a3ekopseis!Alla dn mporw egw na s pw ti 8a kaneis!Prepei na ta peite oi 2 sas!Kai kakws p mplekomai twra!A tn exw kai sts photo m an dn to prose3es!
I'm going to kill you, you know! stavroula. Yes, but I think that s/he can't see so many girls hanging around you and you not doing anything. If you want her, you have to stop doing that. But I can't tell you what to do! The two of you have to talk about it. I shouldn't have gotten mixed up in this. AA, I've got her in my photos too, in case you haven't noticed!
Τελευταία επικύρωση ή επεξεργασία από kafetzou - 2 Φεβρουάριος 2008 01:11
I think the writer is telling the recipient to watch what he's doing if he doesn't want to lose his girlfriend, so I think it's "she can't see you surrounded by so many girls and not doing anything".