<bridge>Hi. Meeting you again (in the sense of see other person again) was the best of my life. May it make you so or more happy that the other time. Now, in the Autumn of our life may we know see growing the loves of your life. I'll do everything to you to be my queen. Not those who marry kings, but one of cot (where babies sleep), those who are forever. The secret of my life is you. The strong of my living, my balsam. I love you (I adore you).</bridge> Bad, bad English! If someone will make this translation and have any doubts, don't hesitate do ask me. /Alexia
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από Sweet Dreams - 21 Ιούνιος 2009 02:28
Olá Salamandra52,
Por favor, coloque todos os acentos que faltam e pontue o texto. Textos como o seu são bastantes difÃceis de traduzir.
Enquanto isso, o seu pedido ficará em espera.