Γλώσσα προορισμού: Αγγλικά
After thirty years of futile struggle, I went back to where I started. I've been looking for happiness in all the corners of the earth and found it nowhere. Not in the noise of the big, colourful and lively cities, not in the love of the closest people not even in my heart. The more I craved it, the more it was hiding deeper from me. And life was continuously rushing me, humiliating me, cutting off my wings... Then boldness left me. My eyes didn't look forward; frightened by the unpenetrable darkness, they were going back more and more often(...). People passed by me, greeted and watched me astonished. I was about to stop them, to tell them what was there in my mind, to tell them that I was the one that thirty years before knew the whole village, the one who knew happiness here... But I always failed. Nobody knew me and I didn't know anybody. I was like a stranger for them, and they were like strangers for me.