Hi Lilian Canale.
Thanks for your remarks and doubts. Let me see if I can carify some of them.
"hello I greet You and the sister"
could that be:
Hello, I greet you and your sister. ?
or that "sister" is a nun?
Well, I guess "your sister" would be more smooth but it's not said whose sister it is. It's probably the addressee's sister ("your"

but we can't exclude it's actually the sender's sister ("my" in this case). I doubt it's a nun but how can I be 100% sure since "siostra" can mean a nun as well?
and what is "the central heating season" ?
Central heating season is the time when the central heating can be turned on. It's longer in colder areas (like Podlachia). Maybe "heating season" alone would do.
"spring will come earlier this year."

"best wishes for you and your families."
unless she has more than one family, this should be:
"best wishes for you and your family."
The addressee is plural (like "vosotros", not "tú"

, so I guess there are at least two separate families.