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번역 - 영어-아프리칸스어 - I cannot be a perfect man, but I am sure that I...

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I cannot be a perfect man, but I am sure that I...
Lofil에 의해서 게시됨
원문 언어: 영어

I cannot be a perfect man, but I am sure that I am the best man of your life... If I hurt you, forgive me!!! If you hurt me, feel forgiven... today yes, our life sees one paginates of newspaper for the world, because I love you.

Ek kan nie ´n perfekte man wees nie, maar ek is seker dat ...

kathyaigner에 의해서 번역되어짐
번역될 언어: 아프리칸스어

Ek kan nie ´n perfekte man wees nie, maar ek is seker dat ek die beste man van jou lewe is. As ek jou seer maak, vergewe my! As jy my seermaak, voel vergewe. Vandag, ja, lyk ons lewe soos 'n bladsy van 'n glanstydskrif, want ek hou van jou.
이 번역물에 관한 주의사항
I am not sure what is meant by "sees one paginates of newspaper for the world"
My guess is "looks like an international newspaper page" or something similar. I have edited as if it were "like a page of a glossy paper", for I think that that association comes more easily to a Western c.q. South-African public. If you prefer the international newspaper thing, change *glanstydskrif* into *internationale koerant* (gbernsdorff)
gbernsdorff에 의해서 마지막으로 검증 또는 수정되었습니다 - 2009년 11월 17일 11:48

마지막 글


2009년 11월 5일 17:11

게시물 갯수: 240
Hi Kathyaigner,
1. wrong place of *wees*
2. In this sentence *man* is a male of the human species. Afrikaans: man, not mens. [why did you translate it by *mens* first, by *man* later ?]
-> Ek kan nie 'n perfekte man wees nie,
3. *ek is seker dat* (no comma)
4. seermaak (delete *te*)
[why did you not change that in the second sentence, you did it in the third one]
5. *vergewen voel* = wrong word order, -> voel vergewe
[in imperatives the verb is always first]
6. *vandag (,ja,) jou lewe sien* is a wrong word order; if the clause begins with an adverb, inversion of subject and verb takes place
7. our = ons
-> vandag, ja, sien ons lewe

NB I am not sure what is meant by "sees one paginates of newspaper for the world "
I suggest "our lives look like an international newspaper page" or something similar, but we can ask the community's opinion as soon as the rest of your translation is OK.

2009년 11월 5일 18:26

게시물 갯수: 240
Hi All,
I'd like your opinion on (part of) the English source text. "sees one paginates of newspaper for the world" doesn't make much sense to me. Am I right in suggesting to kathyaigner that it means something like "our lives look like an international newspaper page", or do any of you come with a better interpretation?
Thanks for your help!

2009년 11월 5일 19:50

게시물 갯수: 3389
Absolutely no clue... I have never heard an expression that sounds like it. Sorry!