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번역 - 러시아어-영어 - i skushno i gsusno...i nekomy ruku podats..v...

현재 상황번역
이 본문은 다음 언어들로 가능합니다: 러시아어영어그리스어

i skushno i gsusno...i nekomy ruku podats..v...
g3orge에 의해서 게시됨
원문 언어: 러시아어

И скучно, и грустно... И некому руку подать ... В минуту душевной невзгоды... желания? Что пользы напрасно и вечно желать? Любить... ну кого же? На время не стоит труда... и вечно любить невозможно!
이 번역물에 관한 주의사항
Before: i skushno i gsusno...i nekomy ruku podats..v minutu doushevnoi nevzgodi...zelania? tsto polzi naprasno i vetsno zelats? kogo ze? na vrema nie stoit truda... e vetsno lubits nevosmozno!

Eternal love is impossible!

Aneta B.에 의해서 번역되어짐
번역될 언어: 영어

Feeling bored, and sad ... And there is no one to shake hands with... In a moment of mental suffering... desires? What is the good of desiring forever and in vain? To love ... but whom? Just for some time it is not worth the effort ... and it is impossible to love forever!
Lein에 의해서 마지막으로 검증 또는 수정되었습니다 - 2011년 1월 27일 12:37

마지막 글


2011년 1월 14일 17:32

게시물 갯수: 3389
Oh dear, what a sad text...

To make this flow a bit better, I have a few suggestions - let me know if they capture the meaning of the text

And it is boring, and sad ... And there is no one to talk to*... In a moment of mental suffering... desires? What is the good of suffering in vain and of eternal desire? To love ... is there anybody to give one's love to? At the time it is not worth the effort ... and eternal love is impossible!

*the same explanation would still apply

I am not entirely happy with 'at the time' - it sounds just a bit odd, but I can't think of a better way to say it just now...

2011년 1월 15일 00:13

Aneta B.
게시물 갯수: 4487
Fine by me, dear Lein. Thank you! I'm just not sure of the first suggestion of yours: "And there is no one to talk to", because the idiomatic phrase refers rather to some physical contact than to talking. It is something about "shaking hands" when you greet somebody.

I think we'd better discuss it with experts in Russian.


Hi Sunny or Siberia!
Could one of you help me to find the best way of conveying the meaning of "И некому руку подать" in English?

CC: Sunnybebek Siberia

2011년 1월 17일 07:04

게시물 갯수: 611
Oh my... it's not only sad, but it's rather complicated (and beautiful, even poetic).

- talk to vs greet someone. Aneta is not wrong actually, I was thinking about her varient. Another option is "and there is no one to hold out a hand".

- What is the good to desire eternally and vainly? (I don't see "suffering" in original...)

- To love... but whom? (just this, literally)

- "At the time = temporarily = for a time" in this context.

- and it is impossible to love eternaly (verbs in the original)

Hope it was of some help

2011년 1월 17일 11:48

게시물 갯수: 3389
Thanks both
How is this? As for the last sentence, I think Aneta's solution actually works just as well, by replacing the verb with a noun, so pick whatever you think is best

And it is boring, and sad ... And there is no one to shake hands with... In a moment of mental suffering... desires? What is the good of desiring forever and in vain? To love ... but whom? Just for some time it is not worth the effort ... and it is impossible to love forever / for eternity / eternally!

2011년 1월 17일 11:58

게시물 갯수: 611

Now it sounds good

2011년 1월 20일 11:29

게시물 갯수: 3389
Are you happy with this, Aneta?

2011년 1월 21일 19:16

Aneta B.
게시물 갯수: 4487
Of course I am. But you probably should have rejected this my traslation. So many corrections were needed! But, obviously, it is up to you, dear Lein.

2011년 1월 24일 11:13

게시물 갯수: 3389
No worries! I don't think there were too many edits. Besides, I usually find it more helpful to check with the translator and edit, than to reject and have someone else make the same or different mistakes in their translation

2011년 1월 24일 22:57

Misfit Toy
게시물 갯수: 17
И скучно, и грустно - Feeling bored and down.

Sad is ok but not borING anyway.