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Překlad - Francouzsky-Anglicky - Je me lance

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Text je dostupný v následujících jazycích: FrancouzskyAnglickyŠpanělskyŠvédskyItalskyNěmecky

Kategorie Web-site / Blog / Fórum - Zdraví / Medicína

Je me lance
Podrobit se od Tantine
Zdrojový jazyk: Francouzsky

J'ai un peu de mal à communiquer avec toutes ces langues !!

Comme je vous l'ai déja raconté, Lucas est né avec un TSC trés gros a composante interne et externe, les traumatismes causés par la tumeur à ce jour sont un rein gauche très altéré, et une vessie neurologique, il a une stomie continente (mitrofanoff), pour vider celle çi toute les trois heures, des injections de toxine botulique tous les 8 mois lui permettent une croissance de celle-ci afin de repousser au maximum l'entéroplastie....Nous sommes dans une période calme, il a eu dix opérations en 11 ans.
Poznámky k překladu
TSC = SCT Sacrococcygeal teratoma

Here goes

Přeložil Tantine
Cílový jazyk: Anglicky

I'm having a few difficulties communicating with all of these languages.

As I've already told you, Lucas was born with a very big SCT, with an internal and an external portion. The damage caused by the tumour are a very altered left kidney and a neurological bladder, he has a continence stoma (mitrofanoff) in order to empty it every three hours; injections of botulinum toxin every eight months help the latter grow, allowing a lengthy postponement of the enteroplasty. We're in a calm period for the moment, he's had ten operations in 11 years.
Poznámky k překladu
the word "entéroplastie" doesn't seem to exist in French, but it looks good in english.
Naposledy potvrzeno či editováno kafetzou - 2 srpen 2007 14:47

Poslední příspěvek


2 srpen 2007 00:11

Počet příspěvků: 7963
Hi Tantine - I knew this one was yours before I even saw the name on the translation.

A couple of possible problems:

1) What is a neurological bladder?

2) What is a continence stoma?

3) What does "the latter" refer to?

2 srpen 2007 12:26

Počet příspěvků: 793
I saw this translation and found it interesting, and as I'm a MD I think it is difficult questions for a translator without expert skills in medicine to explain. The translation is very well done (as far as I know). If you don't mind I'll explain the expressions.

1: Neurological bladder = The urinary bladder is disturbed neurologically and doesn't fulfill the proper working schedule for the urinary tract. It is a very common expression in medicine.

2: Continence stoma = A way to enhance the possibility to control the emptying of the bladder, or the intestines/colon, by an artificial exit thru the abdominal wall. Also a well known medical expression.

3: Isn't it quite clear that it is the stoma that will grow by decreasing involuntary neurologically derived spasms in the abdominal wall by botulinum toxin injections.

2 srpen 2007 14:46

Počet příspěvků: 7963
Thank you, Porfyhr - this is VERY helpful. I've edited the punctuation and taken out the word "and", and now I think it works perfectly.

2 srpen 2007 21:16

Počet příspěvků: 2747
Hi Kafetzou

I must say that the author's French is not very precise and not particularly well formulated. It's much easier to read now with the semicolon instead of "and".

Wow Porfhyr, thanks for explaining that so well!!! I reade Kafetzou's message asking what things were, and I was getting ready to type some explanations, but you got there first. It's great! Thanks.
