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Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish Ben de seni cok seviyorum birtanem
Ben de seni cok seviyorum birtanem
En godnat besked som jeg gerne vil have oversat

Completed translations
English I love you too deary
Swedish Jag älskar dig också älskling
Danish Jeg elsker dig også min kære
Norwegian Jeg elsker deg også kjæreste
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Hindi bin tere kya jeena
bin tere kya jeena

tere bina beswadi beswadi yeh raatiyaan

Completed translations
German Was ist das Leben ohne dich?
Source language
Danish Det rigtige
Der er ved at ske noget, tænkte jeg. Det stod helt klart for mig, ingen kunne grundlæggende ændre så meget holdning. Selvfølgelig var det da også helt forkasteligt det hun havde gjort, men ingen fortjener så meget modgang. Hendes popularitet faldt, og hver dag dukkede nye skandaler op om hende.
Jeg har skrevet dette lille stykke på dansk, og håber egentlig nu at der er nogle der havde lyst til at oversætte dette til britisk engelsk. Jeg har taget det fra en novelle jeg har skrevet om en jeg-fortæller der oplever sin veninde gøre forfærdelige ting i den klasse hun går i, for at blive populær. Her begynder alle så at vende sig i mod denne her veninde, og jeg-fortælleren er splittet mellem veninden og de andre som en gang var på hendes side.

Completed translations
English The right
Source language
Spanish En que te afecta que sigamos hablando. Solo y lo...
En que te afecta que sigamos hablando. Solo y lo unico que quiero es estar contigo si algun dia nos volvemos ver.

Completed translations
English What bears upon you if we keep on talking with one another
English Is there any harm in talking to each other?
Source language
French salut bébé
Salut bébé, ça va et ton week end comment tu le passes? Moi je ne fais que dormir je suis très fatigué. As-tu fini avec la décoration de la maison? N'oublie pas de m'envoyer des photos stp je pourrais te donner des idées. Finalement ta surprise c'était quoi? Tu viens quand? Gros bisous à tes enfants, tu ne me parles jamais d'elles
traduire en anglais américain

Completed translations
English Hi baby
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish bu parayi almak icin ne yapmaliyim?
bu parayi almak icin ne yapmaliyim?

Completed translations
English What should I do to take this money?
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish tohum almak
kazandığım tohumların hepsİnİ bİr pakette gönder.
artan kargo ücretİnİn yerİne de bİr paket tohum daha gönder.
ben hep senden alışverİş yapmak İstİyorum.
her seferİnde 4 paket alırım.
ama açıkartırma olmadan almak İstİyorum.
benİm İçİn böyle bİ satış yapar mısın

Completed translations
English Buying seeds
Source language
Spanish Que te haré subir al cielo, bajar y besar el mismo...
Que te haré subir al cielo, bajar y besar el mismo infierno.
Yo que sé de tu dolor eterno. Tú tan caliente y yo tan invierno.
Diacritics edited <Lilian>

Completed translations
English That I will make you go up to heavens,...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Italian liza
Definitivamente non competo e dagli sguardi di esso non ho bisogno di anche. Se devo sedermi e competere a qualcun'altro allora pace che sono fuori!
This is an expression I need translated to english
I would really appreciate it if somebody could help me out because it would answer a ton of questions
I just need the basic idea of the phrase

Completed translations
English liza
Source language
Turkish email
Numaranı gir, sevgilinin adını yaz aşkını ölç ! Sevgilinle aşk uyumunu ölçmenin en kolay yolu
diacritics and language edited (smy)

Completed translations
English e-mail
Swedish e-post: Skriv in ditt nummer...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Catalan Qui fa la Millor Compra Full d'incidències 1-...
Qui fa la Millor Compra

Full d'incidències

1- Compres ous classe extra(més pes)o de collor determinat monés perqué creus que alimenten més.
Tens poca informació. espera't dos torns sense jugar.
Gostaria de saber a tradução deste primeiro parágrafo, pois a biblioteca que trabalho ganhou esse jogo muito legal e queremos traduzi-lo e entende-lo para as nossas crianças. ele esta todo em catalão, conto muito com a ajuda de vocês, sendo que são 60 parágrafos ai esta só o primeiro. Muito obrigado.
Jean Heiden

Completed translations
Spanish Quién hace la Mejor Compra
English Who does the Best Buy
Portaingéilis (na Brasaíle) Quem faz a Melhor Compra
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Russian Активность и предприимчивость родившихся Раками...
Активность и предприимчивость родившихся Раками должны будут привлечь в наступающем году внимание авторитетных и серьёзных партнёров. Необходимо воспользоваться этим обстоятельством с максимальной выгодой для себя. Конфликтовать и «бодаться рогами» не стоит. Стоит прислушаться к советам и использовать благожелательность для укрепления своих позиций в окружении. Вероятно, это взаимодействие с должно привести к перспективным контрактам и взаимовыгодным переговорам, обучению, информационному обмену.

Completed translations
English The Cancers’ activity...
Lithuanian Vėžiai
10Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".10
Persian language recenice
selam du'stem! khosh a'medid


mamnu'nam az in keh behtarin du'stemani

selam du'stem! khosh a'medid a'sheghetam ...

Completed translations
English Hi My Friend
Serbian Ćao prijatelju
Arabic مرحبا
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Bulgarian Честит 3ти март
Честит 3ти март
<Admin's remark>
This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.

Completed translations
English Happy 3rd March!
Arabic يوم 3 مارس سعيد
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Hindi Ek Se Mera Kya Hoga
Ek Se Mera Kya Hoga

Completed translations
English What can I do with one?
French Qu'est-ce que je peux faire d'un seul ?
Arabic وما أفعل بها؟
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Polish Razem z toba moge zatrymac csaz
Razem z toba moge zatrymac csaz
portguês do brasil

Completed translations
Portaingéilis (na Brasaíle) Junto a ti...
French Auprès de toi je peux arrêter le temps
Swedish Tillsammans med dig kan jag stoppa tiden.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Serbian ako neces nemoras ali bi volio da znam...
ako neces nemoras ali bi volio da

Completed translations
English If you don't want to...
German Wenn du nicht möchtest, ...
French Si tu ne veux pas, tu ne dois pas. Mais j'aimerais savoir...
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