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Original text - Turkish - Hayat ansiklopedisinin tam sürümünü arıyorum

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Category Word - Exploration / Adventure

Hayat ansiklopedisinin tam sürümünü arıyorum
Text to be translated
Submitted by Lillith
Source language: Turkish

Hayat ansiklopedisinin tam sürümünü arıyorum
4 March 2008 14:45

Last messages


4 March 2008 15:08

Sweet Dreams
Number of messages: 2202
Olá Smy! Could you give me a bridge, please?

And you could do the english translation too

CC: smy

4 March 2008 15:17

Number of messages: 2481
Your bridge is ready Sweet D. , you can wait for the validation

4 March 2008 15:19

Sweet Dreams
Number of messages: 2202
What is "Hayat"?

4 March 2008 15:22

Number of messages: 2481
It means "Life" but as it's a "name" (of the book), I think it's not necessary to translate it

btw, funny avatar

4 March 2008 15:31

Sweet Dreams
Number of messages: 2202

Thanks Smy

4 March 2008 15:32

Sweet Dreams
Number of messages: 2202
It seems that someone alredy translated into brazilian portuguese

4 March 2008 15:47

Number of messages: 2481
not me