I could read what you said in the remark field, do you really think it will corrupt the meaning if you added "this is" to it?
That's what I'm asking actually, because I think it is too bad removing a request, and it is better if we can accept it.
But according to our rule #[4] it is acceptable only if it makes a whole sentence.
This rule# [4] is one of the 9 rules we've set between us (assiduous translators, experts and admins from

) and you'll understand that we won't do any exception, as we can't take individually requests from 140 thousand users in consideration, users have to adapt their request to our rules and normally everybody will be satisfied with that.
If you don't know how to edit your text with these two extra words that will make a whole sentence (and won't corrupt the meaning from the two first words you submitted before edit), I can do it for you.