Ma non mi sento obbligata Apple.
Ci metto un pò a fidarmi poi però mi fido più di te piuttosto che di uno che dà il suo parere alla sua prima connessione.
Se avessi un dubbio, chiederei senza problemi.
Allora ho ricevuto un messaggio da Donna22 (che ha dato parere negativo) visto che mi sembra che possa interessarvi

You asked about the translation 314.
I translate it in English with explanations, so maybe you can see if I've mistaken in my evaluation.
The title and the first sentence:
Valter Ceraolo, Purchasing Manager
-(Director of matters which consists of buying things in to the warehouse/ makes also decisions what kind of products the warehouse sells next season and purchasing agents are subordinate to him/ her.), not marketing in my opinion.- IKEA Hanim Polen (Polen = pole and it could also mean Poland, there is no genetive, maybe both are proper names only)
Valter Ceraolo went to the course of UGL (=Utveckling Grupp & Ledare = Development Group & Leader)(("in our house"/ chez nous =hos oss)in the beginning of 2004 and choose also to work partly as a leader/ coaching later on.
1. Why did you trusted in the (Lysande Utsikter) Shiny/Splendid/Brilliant Point of views/Views/Wishes?
I made a contact/ trusted in the Spendid Point of Views because of a recommendation of a friend.
The target of my participation was to have more awareness/ insightness of who I am, who I "play" (if someone is acting to be something that he/ she isn't truly - a role) and who I actually want.
I don't know that well Italian, that I could point all possible mistakes or are they really mistakes at all... Make a valuation of your own now when you have also an English version to help you. I don't have anything else to say about this translation.