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Перевод - Румынский-Английский - Marea Meteora

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Категория Пояснения - Культура

Marea Meteora
Добавлено DAN
Язык, с которого нужно перевести: Румынский

Pe platoul celei mai înalte dintre stâncile Meteore, cu altitudinea de 613 m, se află mânăstirea cea mai reprezentativă din tot ansamblul, cunoscută sub numele de Marea Meteora, cu hramul Schimbarea la Faţă. Fondatorul acestei mânăstiri a fost Sfântul Atanasie Meteoritul, venit aici din Muntele Athos. El a întemeiat pe aceasta stâncă o mică sihăstrie pe care o transformă in 1344 intr-o lavră, vestită până in zilele noastre.

The Great Meteora

Перевод сделан iepurica
Язык, на который нужно перевести: Английский

On the top of the highest cliff of the Meteora cliffs, with an altitude of 613m, is placed the most representative monastery of all the assembly, known by the name of "The Great Meteora", patronated by the holiday "Transfiguration of the Lord". The founder of this monastery was Saint Anastasie of Meteora, who came here from the Athos mountain. He constructed, on this cliff, a small hermitage which was transformed by him in 1344, in a vast monastery, famous till present.
Комментарии для переводчика
"Transfiguration of the Lord" is both an orhodox and a catholic relligious holiday, kept on 6 of August. Our churches (the ortodox ones) have usually a patron saint or they are patronated by a specific holiday.
Последнее изменение было внесено пользователем Chantal - 15 Ноябрь 2006 18:39