AVIOEHTOSOPIMUS Me allekirjoittaneet avopuolisot sovimme,että kummallakaan meistä ei ole avio-oikeutta toistemme nykyiseen tai tulevaan omaisuuteen. Tämän avioehtosopimuksen hyväksymme ja sitoudumme sitä noudattamaan.
Biz (nişanlı ve) imza atmış olan taraflar birbirimizin şu anda sahip olduğumuz veya daha sonra elde edilecek olan malları üzerinde hakkımız olmadığını kabul ediyoruz. Bu anlaşmayı onaylıyor ve ona riayet edeceğimize söz veriyoruz.
Последнее изменение было внесено пользователем smy - 25 Декабрь 2007 10:59
This is quite difficult and I should think the submitter was happy with what she got. I did suggest asking for a bridge, but best in german, because there is no such thing in english, the legal system is different. When it does not exsist in english-speaking world, there are no words needed here.
(I also advised the submitter to consult a real translator on oath this being an important legal document.)
An approximate explanation:
Agreement on personal property in marriage
We(engaged and)signed parties agree that we have no right to the property of each other, in possession now or personally acquired later. We approve this agreement and commit ourselves to it.
(Normally in marriage any property belongs equally to both. If they divorce it will be dealt 50/50. If the other one is rich and the other one not, the result of 50/50 might be unfair, maybe including a family estate or something)
Thank you very much Maribel
I agree with you that legal texts must be translated legally and should not be sent to be translated for free
Now I'll look for a way to make this translation more readable and more understandable but could you explain what does "commit ourselves to it" mean?
CC: Maribel
Amanada78, I've edited your translation according Maribel's English translation. It was as follows before the edits:
Evlilil Anlaşması
eşimle anlaştık ve imzaladık, her iki tarafın evlılık hakı yok birbirmızın malında simdı veya gelecekte. bu evlilik anlaşmayı kabul ve tasdık edıyoruz
(it's for you to see your mistakes and to be more careful next time)