Cucumis - Dịch vụ phiên dịch miễn phí trực tuyến
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Completed translations

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Target language

Results 42281 - 42300 of about 105991
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Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Spanish Mayor felicidad brille sobre usted
Mayor felicidad brille sobre usted

Completed translations
Danish Gid større lykke må skinne på dig.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish Sacmalama ne olur care cok...
Saçmalama ne olur çare çok nasıl gidersin?
Ä°stediÄŸin herÅŸey sanki yok,deyer mi?dersin.
Başkaları bilmez,görmez zor nasıl bir duygu.
Al elini kalbime bir koy işte gerçek bu.

Her yer soğuk hep karanlık,kendi kendime tarifsiz
Ayrılmamız çok gereksiz,şimdi uzaktan sebepsiz
Biri bana gelsin o da sensin,ikimizde aşık bir tek fark var
Benimki senden biraz fazla

Completed translations
English Don't be silly, whatever, there're lots of solutions, how will you go?
Romanian Nu vorbi prostii, te rog...
Source language
Arabic أنا أريدالزواج المؤقت منك لانه هو حل الشرعي...
أنا أريدالزواج المؤقت منك لانه هو حل الشرعي بيننا
وفي هذا الزواج ايجاب وهو أن تقولي (زوجتك نفسي لمدة كذا-على مهرا وقدره كذا)وهناك قبول وهو أن يقول الزوج(قبلت التزويج)فيتم عقد النكاح بين الطرفين.

Completed translations
English I would like to marry you for a timed period
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Hebrew אחי בהחלט אחרי
אחי בהחלט אחרי כל התגובות הגיע הזמן שגם מישהו מהאוריג'ינלס יגיב
תמונה גדולה רק נראלי שקצת התרגשת חחחח

Completed translations
English Brother, sure after
Turkish KardeÅŸ
Source language
French Messieurs les Juges ...
Messieurs les Juges Commissaires,

Je vous prie de bien vouloir trouver ci-joint le courrier que j’adresse ce jour à Maître Anny Harquet, Mandataire Judiciaire, dans le dossier référencé en objet.

Completed translations
English REF. MEGASPIREA France...
Hebrew מקור. מגהספיראה צרפת...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish Selam... Çok tatlısın :) Sana aşık...

Çok tatlısın :)

Sana aşık olabilirmiyim ?

Completed translations
Spanish Holá... Eres muy dulce :) ¿Puedo...
English Hi...
Source language
Portuguese brazilian Confiando no favor do Buda
Confiando no favor do Buda
Cuja compaixão nos protegerá,
Nosso corpo possa não estar doente
E nossa mente não esteja aflita.
este texto é um canto budista, tradicional no vietnã conhecido por até mesmo por crianças pequenas

-queria traduzida em "KHMER" também


Completed translations
English Trusting in the favour of Budha
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Japanese watashi tachi ni desu itsumo heiwa
watashi tachi ni desu itsumo heiwa

Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian Nós sempre em paz/harmonia.
Source language
Spanish No se a quien rezar Ni que amuleto tener Eres...
No se a quien rezar
Ni que amuleto tener
Eres mi mayor mania
Mi merluza frita
Eres tu,mi antidoto y veneno
Cuerpo y carne
que me mata lentamente
y ya no se
si estoy viviendo o muriendo
Saludo a tus lindos ojos
Recuerdos cariñosos
a tus magicas manos
Me gustaras toda la vida
Eres un amor infinito
que nunca acaba
Que nunca termina
Eres unica
Quisiera me tradujeran si es que existe claro,la traduccion exacta "Eres tu".
"Merluza" es el nombre de un pescado.
"acaba" es sinonimo de terminar,pero quisiera que en rumano me pusieran otro sinonimo. Gracias

Completed translations
Romanian Nu ştiu la cine să mă rog Şi nici ce amuletă pot avea Eşti ...
Source language
Spanish No saque brillo a los cubiertos
No saque brillo a los cubiertos ni a los vasos echándoles el aliento.

Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian Não dê brilho aos talheres
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
English It was the first in the air race.
It was the first in the air race.

Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian Foi o primeiro na corrida aérea.
Source language
Ukrainian Штрихкодовий ідентифікатор: RA831151311UA...
Відправлення за номером RA831151311UA знаходиться в процесі оброблення. Востаннє воно зареєстроване 01.07.2008 в об’єкті поштового зв’язку Київ ДОПП Цех №3 обмін загальна накладна роб з індексом 03900.
Дякуємо, що скористались нашими послугами!
Texto de resultado de rastreamento de correio.
Lingua alvo inglês

Completed translations
English Barcode identificator: RA831151311UA...
Portuguese brazilian O identificador do código de barras RA831151311UA
Source language
English To sign, replace
To sign, replace the text on the fields (full name and european passport number are mandatory). Do not forget to fill the human verification number. Optionally you can write your email address.
Can you see the text? Write it here. Name. Last name. Optional. Check the State whom issued your passport. I want more information. I sign to get Catalan official in Europe.

Completed translations
Dutch Om te ondertekenen, vervang
Source language
Turkish Sen kac yasindasin? Sen kac yasindasin
Sen kac yasindasin? Sen kac yasindasin
in het nederlands

Completed translations
Dutch Hoe oud ben je? Hoe oud ben je
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish Benim derdim bana yeter birde sen vurma Bahar...
Benim derdim bana yeter birde sen vurma
Bahar gitti fırtınalar eser başımda

Gülüm gülüm yetmez ölüm ben ölürüm vay
Etme gülüm, gitme gülüm ben ölürüm vay

Aşkın beni bir gül gibi soldurdu her gün
Yaralı bir ceylan gibi öldürdü her gün

Completed translations
English My pain is enough for me, please don't hit me anymore
32Source language32
Arabic مند فترة طويلة و أنا أريد أن ابوح لك بحبي الخالص...
مند فترة طويلة و أنا أريد أن ابوح لك بحبي الخالص و الصادق يامن سكنتي قلبي مند أول رؤية

Completed translations
French Cela fait un bon bout de temps que je voulais te parler de la pureté de mon Amour...
English For so long I've wanted to speak out ...
Danish Jeg har i lang tid haft lyst
Dutch Al geruime tijd wilde ik je spreken over de puurheid van mijn liefde...
Source language
Arabic كثر الغلا علمني أصوم عن صوتك .... حتى لو ماترسل أبرسل و استمع صمتك
كثر الغلا علمني أصوم عن صوتك .... حتى لو ماترسل أبرسل و استمع صمتك

Completed translations
English The high price taught me to
Finnish Vaikeuksien tai elämänkokemusten lisääntyminen opettaa
Source language
English WishI miss you so bad right now. Wish you were...
Wish you were here. I miss you so bad right now. Wish you were her. I wanna talk to you, you understand me, like no one else do... If you asked me to tell you how much you meam to me, I would need a whole lifetime...Guess this time without you here proves it...

Completed translations
French J'aurais aimé que tu sois ici...
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