Cucumis - Dịch vụ phiên dịch miễn phí trực tuyến
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Results 57801 - 57820 of about 105991
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Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Bosnian Sve sto pozelim se rusi... Nikad se odreci necu,...
Sve sto pozelim se rusi... Nikad se odreci necu, imam nadu, makar posljednji put al USPJET CU!!!

Completed translations
English Everything I wish falls apart...
Spanish Todo lo que anhelo se desvanece...
Source language
Italian PER ME PER SEMPRE Io vorrei che migliaia di...

Io vorrei che migliaia di farfalle
Colorassero l'aria intorno a me
Poi vorrei vederle tutte quante
Come un vestito posarsi su di te
Cosi, vorrei cosi
Cosi, sognarti cosi
Quando la festa commincera'
Tu sarai regina
Tutta la gente
Gracias de antemano, estoy tratando de aprender italiano.

Completed translations
Dutch Voor mij voor altijd
Source language
Dutch als liefde zoveel jaar kan duren, dan moet het...
als liefde zoveel jaar kan duren, dan moet het echt wel liefde zijn

Completed translations
Spanish cuando el amor puede durar tantos años,
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Portuguese brazilian Namorado Gago
O gaguinho liga para o celular de sua namorada .Ela atendi: Alo!Ele fala A a a a alo,A a a a adivinha q q q q quem ta ta falando!!!

Completed translations
Spanish Novio tartamudo.
Source language
Romanian Dacă aţi fi făcut această călătorie v-aş fi...
Dacă aţi fi făcut această călătorie v-aş fi însoţit cu plăcere.Dacă aş fi fost în locul tău, mi-ar fi fost frică.Dacă voi avea timp voi merge la ţară.Dacă aş fi fost bogat, mi-aş cumpăra un Lambourgini.Dacă a-ţi striga, vecinii voştri s-ar supăra.Dacă ar avea talent ar cânta.

Completed translations
French Si tu avais fait ce voyage
Source language
English i'm so annoyed at everything and everyone!!...
I'm so annoyed at everything and everyone!!
firstly I wish you would say you loved me, if you did love me you would sign up to to translate this, and if you were a good friend you wouldn't be in such a mood with me :(:(
Tom I really like you but I don't know if you feel the same, I'm scared. And yes I'm drunk lol
haha please do this quick, even if it isn't that accurate :):)

Completed translations
French Tout m'ennuie
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Bulgarian Здравей! Как си? Спях,когато ми звънна! Какво...
Здравей! Как си? Спях,когато ми звънна! Какво правиш? Да не би да си решил днес да прекараме деня или нощта заедно?

Completed translations
English Hello, how are you?
Polish Cześć!
Source language
Portuguese Amigo foi um prazer ter-te conhecido tanto como...
Amigo foi um prazer ter-te conhecido tanto como pessoa como jogador de poker :)
Eu sei que as oportunidades não foram muitas para estarmos juntos mas nessas alturas deu para ver a pessoa e o homem que és e que te vais tornar.
Espero que tenhas gostado e que de alguma forma esta tua aventura por terras lusas te marquem de uma forma positiva.
Desejo do fundo do coração as maiores felicidades e que todos os teus sonhos sejam realizados.

PS: Ainda te quero ver com uma bracelete do WSOP

Completed translations
English My friend it was a pleasure meeting you
Polish Mój przyjacielu, przyjemnością było spotkać ciebie...
Source language
English Hello.. How are you, It would be nice to learn...
How are you, It would be nice to learn more about you. I am using cucumis to translat from english to Polisch.
You can go ther end translat from Polish to English.
Hugs Hasse

Completed translations
Polish Cześć!Jak idzie? Bardzo ...
Source language
Spanish Continua haciendo este esfuerzo con los examenes...
Continua haciendo este esfuerzo con los examenes y verás como todo te irá bien.Estas dando todo de ti y esto es digno de admiración.Pronto acabarás,vendrás,y nos lo pasaremos bien juntos.

Completed translations
Polish Nie przestawaj walczyć...
Source language
Turkish Litvanyaca konuşmamın amacı kendini ülkende...
Litvanyaca konuşmamın amacı kendini ülkende hissetmeni sağlamak için.Bundan ben de zevk alıyorum.

Completed translations
English The reason why I'm speaking Lithuanian,
Source language
English I quickly walked out of the bedroom, and when I...
I quickly walked out of the bedroom, and when I turned to close the door, there she stood in the doorway. I left the door open, never considering I could ask her to move. For one thing, I seemed to be the only one who could see this apparition, and my husband would have thought I was crazy for talking to the doorway. Second, who knows what the spirit's reaction would have been?
ovo je paranormal...treba mi za pismenu...

Completed translations
Bosnian Brzo sam izašla iz spavaće sobe i kad sam...
11Source language11
Japanese すみません、あなたは誰ですか? 名前を教えくれませんか?

Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian Com licença, quem é você?
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Romanian ceau prieteneio nu o cunosc da mi so parut...
ciao prieteno, eu nu o cunosc, da' mi s-a părut interesant ID-ul ăsta, poate mai are adrese. Caut-o pe ălelalte! Cine e aia pe cine o cauţi - am parolat contul, nu o să-l mai poată folosi - aşa că păcat, văd că eşti disperat. Rău, da' păcat că nu te pot ajuta. Amu, asta e adresa mea.

Completed translations
English Hi, pal. I don’t know her but that ID appeared
Arabic مرحبا يا رفيق. أنا لا أعرفها، لكن تلك الهوية بدت
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
German warnsymbol
falls ein fehler auftreten sollte leuchtet das symbol auf und eine mitteilung wird im displey eingeblendet

dieses symbol leuchtet je nach schwere des entdeckten fehlers rot oder gelb weitere informationen erhalten sie auf der nachsten seite!

Completed translations
Swedish varningssymbol
Source language
French On ne voit presque pas les maisons ; elles sont...
On ne voit presque pas les maisons ; elles sont de la même couleur que les rochers.

Completed translations
Swedish Man ser nästan inga hus; de är ...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Polish moja kochana chcialbym dac ci calusa...
dzien dobry. moja kochana chcialbym dac ci calusa i powiedziec ze cie kocham

Completed translations
Portuguese Olá
Source language
Greek Η FYROM δεν προκειται να μπει σε ΝΑΤΟ και ΕΟΚ
Η FYROM δεν προκειται να μπει σε ΝΑΤΟ και ΕΟΚ με το όνομα Μακεδονία.
Η Μακεδονία είναι μόνο ελληνική περιοχή

Completed translations
German FYROM wird mit dem Namen Mazedonien
French L'ARYM ne deviendra pas un membre
Spanish -
English The FYROM
Source language
Italian Per questo San Valentino ho pensato che potremmo...
Per questo San Valentino ho pensato che potremmo divertirci in modo sano e pulito.... Incontriamoci nella vasca da bagno.

Completed translations
Polish Przez tego...
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