Cucumis - Dịch vụ phiên dịch miễn phí trực tuyến
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Completed translations

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Source language
Target language

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Source language
English love you to pieces
love you to pieces
love pieces

Completed translations
French je t'aime énormément
Dutch Ik hou ontzettend veel van je
Source language
Romanian meseria mea
Meseria care mie mi-ar placea cel mai mult ar fi aceea de fotbalist. eu cred ca este una dintre cele mai frumoase meserii.
nu conteaza. cat mai simplu

Completed translations
French Mon métier
Source language
Romanian Într-o bună zi
Într-o bună zi sper din tot sufletul să pot să vin în ţara ta în vizită...

Completed translations
French J'espère
Source language
Arabic الزواج

Completed translations
English marriage
Serbian brak
French le mariage
Source language
Russian Звезды на льду разоряют россиян
Звезды на льду разоряют россиян

Completed translations
English Russian stars on ice
Italian Stelle russe del ghiaccio
French Etoiles russes sur la patinoire
Source language
English (Beating heart baby) Baby is this love for real?
(Beating heart baby)
Baby is this love for real?
Ces paroles font partie d'une chanson de head automatica, que je n'arrive pas à traduire, ou alors le sens que je donne aux mots n'a aucun sens, quelqu'un pourrait m'aider? merci d'avance.

Completed translations
French (Bébé au coeur qui bat)
Source language
Portuguese brazilian um beijo de paz
um beijo de paz

Completed translations
French un baiser de paix
Source language
Norwegian Einherjer - music Viking Metal

Hørr de rir et rykte sørfra
Herskjold og herda oddar herje
Einherjer was formed in January 1993 by Frode Glesnes (Guitar) and Gerhard Storesund (Drums). The band was, and still is, based in Haugesund, a small town at the westcoast of Norway. Therefore we label Einherjer's music as Viking Metal.

Completed translations
English Einherjer - musikk vikingmetall
Portuguese brazilian Einherjer - música Viking Metal
Portuguese Einherjer - música Viking Metal
Spanish Einherjer - Música Vikinga Metálica
Source language
French légumes couteau argent


C'est pour mon examen d'espagnol

Completed translations
Spanish verduras cuchillo dinero
Source language


Completed translations
Serbian Karakteristike savremenog prodavca
Spanish publicidad...
Source language
English questionnaire studies
This is particularly important in questionnaire studies where there is a temptation to be nosey and delve into a wide range of issues, which although interesting to you, the researcher, are not relevant to your study.

Completed translations
French Etudes utilisant un questionnaire
Turkish anket araştırmaları
Spanish Estudios basados cuestionarios
90Source language90
Dutch Ik wens u veel rust en vrede toe
Ik wens u veel rust en vrede toe
Utilizaţi acest link [/link] dacă nu aveţi tastatură cu caractere româneşti :
Atenţie, orice traducere de text, în orice limbă ar fi ea, care nu utilizează diacriticele folosite în mod normal în respectiva limbă, va fi respinsă sistematic.

Completed translations
English I wish you a lot of rest and peace
Portuguese brazilian Eu desejo-lhe muito descanso e paz
Serbian Zelim ti dobar odmor i mir
Ukrainian Бажаю вам
Turkish Sana bol sükûn ve barış dilerim.
Italian Ti auguro molto riposo e molta pace
Esperanto Mi deziras al vi multon da ripozon kaj pacon.
Greek Σου εύχομαι πολλή ξεκούραση και γαλήνη
Spanish Te deseo mucho descanso y paz
Chinese simplified 愿你安息
Arabic أتمنّى لك الكثير من الرّاحة والسّلام
Swedish Jag önskar dig mycket vila och frid
Danish Jeg ønsker dig en masse ro og fred
Romanian Îţi doresc multă odihnă şi multă pace
Hungarian Sok pihenést és sok békét kivànok neked
Bulgarian Желая ви
Polish Życzę Ci dużo odpoczynku i spokoju
Hebrew אני מאחל לך הרבה שלווה ולשלום
Albanian Te uroj shume pushim dhe shume paq
French Je vous souhaite beaucoup de repos et de paix
Norwegian Jeg ønsker deg...
German Ich wünsche
Portuguese Desejo-lhe muito descanso e muita paz.
11Source language11
French Miraculé économique, le Pays basque espagnol inspire les régions françaises
Au sortir des années 1980, le Pays basque espagnol est en pleine déconfiture. Les chocs pétroliers et la crise sidérurgique mettent à terre cette région minière. Le déclic a eu lieu en 1986. Profitant de la grande autonomie politique et économique qui lui est accordée, le gouvernement provincial prend les choses en main.
L'expert hésite avant de s'occuper de cette région sinistrée, surtout connue pour ses groupes terroristes.

Completed translations
Spanish El País Vasco español, un milagro económico
Turkish Fransız bölgeleri, ekonomik mucize olan İspanyol Bask bölgesinden esinleniyorlar
Source language
Romanian Hăiniţa
Hăiniţa stă în cui
Afară soare nu-i
Nimic nu-i bun de când
Mă gândesc la Ghiţă
Dar Ghiţă nu-i în sat
Eu m-am interesat
Îmi pare că-i plecat
După graniţă...
Greu, tare mi-i de greu,
Vreau, da nu ÅŸtiu ce vreau

Completed translations
English The little coat
Spanish El pequeño abrigo
Source language
Klingon Martok degh
Martok degh, to-Duq degh, bat-LEH degh, mat-LEH degh
São frases do Star Trek do dialeto de Klingon

<Admin's remark>
This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.

Completed translations
English Badge of Martok
French L'insigne de Martok
Italian Il simbolo di Martok
Portuguese brazilian Distintivo de Martok
Arabic شارة مارتوك
Spanish La insignia de Martok
Source language
French L'amour c'est l'amour
L'amour c'est l'amour
C'est l'amour qui s'offre à moi
Quand je suis dans tes bras
Quand je me sens tout prés de toi
Donne moi la main et je te suivrai ou tu voudras

Del dia que te vi yo te reconoci
Te quiero amarte amor te quiero yo

Completed translations
Turkish aÅŸk bu aÅŸk
Spanish El amor es el amor
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