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Dịch - Italian-Dutch - Il cuore è chimico che notte magica tu lo sapevi...

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Nhóm chuyên mục Song - Love / Friendship

Il cuore è chimico che notte magica tu lo sapevi...
Submitted by Herpoelaert
Source language: Italian

Colpo di fulmine
Il cuore è chimico
che notte magica
tu lo sapevi
mi hai già incontrata
Non è possibile
ma quanto bella sei
muoio di luce
in fondo agli occhi
Perdutamente mia
così impaziente e viva
un raggio della luna
caduto su di me
Perdutamente tua
chissà da quanti inverni
che Dio mi fulmini
la morte in cuore avrò
Ed era cieco il mio destino
così cieco a quel sorriso
chi lo ha scansato
chi tagliò la strada
C'erano segni
c'erano segnali
numeri indecifrabili
forse nascosti sotto ai mari
Perdutamente mia
così impaziente e viva
un raggio della luna
caduto su di me
Perdutamente tua
chissà da quanti inverni
che Dio mi fulmini
la morte in cuore avrò


Translated by sampi
Target language: Dutch

het hart is chemisch
wat ‘n betoverende nacht
en je wist het
je heb me al ontmoet
Ik kan het haast niet geloven
maar, wat ben je mooi
ik ga dood van het licht
diep binnenin jouw ogen
Beslist de mijne
zo ongeduldig en zo vol met leven
een manestraal
is op me gevallen
Beslist de jouwe
wie weet voor hoeveel winters
moge God me vervloeken
zodat ik de dood in mijn hart zal hebben
En mijn lot was blind
zo blind voor die glimlach
wie heeft hem weggehaald
wie heeft de weg versperd
Er waren tekens
er waren signalen
onontcijferbare getallen
misschien verstopt onder de zeeën
Beslist de mijne
zo ongeduldig en zo vol met leven
een manestraal
die op me is gevallen
Beslist de jouwe
wie weet voor hoeveel winters
moge God me vervloeken
zodat ik de dood in mijn hart zal hebben
Remarks about the translation
Bliksemflits zou vanwege het thema ook als 'liefde op het eerste gezicht' kunnen worden beschouwd. <Martijn>
Validated by Martijn - 17 Tháng 5 2008 22:28

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17 Tháng 5 2008 22:22

Tổng số bài gửi: 210
Seems quite good to me, but my Italian isn't good enough to tell exactly. Any help here please if you've got the time?

Here is a (fast) bridge from Dutch by me for those who don't read Dutch:

Flash of lightening
The heart is chemical
an enchanting night
and you already knew
you've met me before (/already)
I can barely believe it
but, you're so beautiful
I'm dying (because) of the light
Deep within my eyes
~Wonderful the mine [literally]
so impatient and so full of life
a ray of moonlight
that has fallen on me
~Wonderful the yours [literally]
who knows since how many winters
god damn it
that will be my death
My faith was blind
so blind for that smile
who has evaded it
who has blocked the road
There were signs
there were signals
Undecipherable numbers
that might have been hidden under the sees
~Wonderful the mine
so impatient and so full of life
a ray of moonlight
that has fallen on me
~Wonderful the yours
who knows since how many winters
god damn it
that will be my death

Thank you!

CC: ali84 zizza Xini

17 Tháng 5 2008 09:59

Tổng số bài gửi: 96
I don't read Dutch.. this is my bridge:

Stroke of lightning
The heart is chemical
What a magic night
you knew it
you have already met me
It's not possible
but you are so beautiful
I die because of the light
deep inside your eyes
Definitely mine
so impatient and alive
a ray of moon
fallen on me
Definitely yours
who knows for how many winters
may God fulminate me
so I'll have death inside my heart
And my destiny was blind
so blind about that smile
who took it away
who cut the road
There were signs
there were signals
undecipherable numbers
maybe hidden under the seas.
Definitely mine
so impatient and alive
a ray of moon
fallen on me
Definitely yours
who knows for how many winters
may God fulminate me
so I'll have death inside my heart

17 Tháng 5 2008 13:31

Tổng số bài gửi: 427
I agree with Zizza's translation, but I would interpret the first line as "Love at first sight".. The song is about love and feelings, right?

17 Tháng 5 2008 22:23

Tổng số bài gửi: 210
I can now edit and evaluate the translation.

Thanks a lot for your help