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Превод - Китайски-Английски - 五月天

Текущо състояниеПревод
Този текст го има и на следните езици: КитайскиАнглийскиГръцки

Категория Песен

Предоставено от irini
Език, от който се превежда: Китайски

緊握的手裡面 有好多明天
我們一天一天 慢慢實現

大雨沖走了昨天 青春烏雲幾片
彩虹的旁邊 有星星幾點 迫不及待在眨眼
海風味道變香甜 沙灘鑲滿亮片
你哼著永遠 我和著不變

海浪 拼命歡呼跳躍 一遍又一遍
鼓勵我們 看誰先吻誰的臉
為這五月之戀 再添一個逗點
再多的五月天 怕也不夠我們沉醉

海燕 身邊來回盤旋 扮演著領隊
為這五月之戀 再添一點信念
往後的五月天 和你走到比永遠還遠
Забележки за превода
Το παραπάνω κείμενο είναι στίχοι κινέζικου τραγουδιού και η φράση ''五月天'' σημαίνει ''μέρες του Μάη''

A Day in May

Преведено от karchung
Желан език: Английски

A Day in May

This newly-born summer
the love between us
just completed
in the tightly clasped hand
are many tomorrows

This day in May
dreams are becoming vivid
the long thread of desires
winding before us
we are slowly making come true
one day at a time

The heavy rain has washed away
some of the dark clouds of yesterday’s youth
Stars dot the sky next to the rainbow
blinking their eyes in anxious expectation
The scent of the sea breeze is the most fragrant and sweetest ever
the beach is encrusted with sparkling jewels
You hum, “Forever”
I join in, “Unchanging”
together we sing A day in May

The ocean waves leap wildly for joy
again and again
urging us to see who kisses whose cheek first
Insert a comma into this love in May
However many days in May are given us
they will never be enough for us to revel in

A storm petrel circles round and round
leading us forward
as though he hears the sound of happiness not far ahead
Add a little faith to this love born in May
In the days of May yet to come
I will walk with you beyond forever
За последен път се одобри от kafetzou - 19 Юни 2007 04:32

Последно мнение


17 Юни 2007 11:36

Общо мнения: 1263
not good

17 Юни 2007 23:29

Общо мнения: 1263
五月天 May Days

剛誕生的夏天 In the newborn Summer
我們之間 Between us
才完成的愛戀 Love goes mature
緊握的手裡面 有好多明天 So many tomorrows held in our hands
五月的天 In May days
夢開始要鮮豔 Dreams turn to be colourful
前方蜿蜒 Winding forwards
一長串的心願 A string of wishes
我們一天一天 慢慢實現 We can realise day after day

大雨沖走了昨天 青春烏雲幾片 Heavy rain swept yesterday, leaving several young clouds
彩虹的旁邊 有星星幾點 迫不及待在眨眼 New to the rainbow, some stars sparkle in a hurry
海風味道變香甜 沙灘鑲滿亮片 Breeze becomes fragrant sweet, on the beach studded with flares
你哼著永遠 我和著不變 You croon "forever", and I join "stable"
合唱一首五月天 In a chorus of "May Days"

海浪 拼命歡呼跳躍 一遍又一遍 Waves cheer and jump madly, one after another
鼓勵我們 看誰先吻誰的臉 Encouraing one of us to kiss the other's cheek
為這五月之戀 再添一個逗點 To add a comma to this love of May
再多的五月天 怕也不夠我們沉醉 Just too few May days to intoxicate us

海燕 身邊來回盤旋 扮演著領隊 Petrels linger around us, acting as the leader
彷彿聽見幸福在前面不遠 Seems I hear happiness not far ahead
為這五月之戀 再添一點信念 To add some faith to this love of May
往後的五月天 和你走到比永遠還遠 Following May days I'll go with you beyond forever

17 Юни 2007 12:19

Общо мнения: 3
Pluiepoco -

There are mistakes both in meaning and grammar in this translation. For example:

鼓勵我們 看誰先吻誰的臉 Encouraing one of us to kiss the other's face

This means: "To see who will kiss the other's cheek first" (We usually say "to kiss someone's cheek", not "face"

"sweeped" should be "swept"

"Besides rainbow" is not grammatical, and the meaning is "next to the rainbow", not "in addition to the rainbow"

Please recheck your work or have a native speaker go over it carefully.


Karen Chung (native speaker of English)

18 Юни 2007 01:29

Общо мнения: 235
Hi karchung,

In a song about love, the word "desires" will have sexual connotation. Would you consider using "cherished hopes" instead?

"We are slowly making come true" don't quite fit here because only "dreams" can "come true". In your version, we are talking about "desires" (or "hopes" if you accept my suggestion), perhaps "fulfilling them all" will be better?

You hum, “Forever”
I join in, “Unchanging”
These 2 lines don't flow well. Perhaps you may like to change to:
You hum about “Forever”
I join in with “Unchanging”

"Insert a comma" is not commonly understood in English. Perhaps "Insert a pause" will be better?

20 Юли 2007 08:38

Общо мнения: 1263