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Original text - Engels - I will like to offer you EUR 380 for the item and...

Current statusOriginal text
This text is available in the following languages: EngelsPools

I will like to offer you EUR 380 for the item and...
Text to be translated
Submitted by dorota22
Source language: Engels

I am very much interested in purchasing your item to complete an urgent international order. I will like to offer you EUR 380 for the item and I will be making payments with the Bank Transfer. Please get back to me as soon as possible with your Banking informations and let me know what the total cost will be shipping cost for the item via POCZTEX EMS to my Son's address provided below so that I can arrange for the payment as soon as possible.
Remarks about the translation
Proszę o przetłumaczenie m,i tekstu na język polski ponieważ dostałsam e-maila i nie potrafie go poprawnie odczytać. Dziękuję za przetłumaczenia.
Laaste geredigeer deur Francky5591 - 7 September 2007 08:16