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ترجمه - روسی-فرانسوی - Я скучаю по тебе, человек в моей жизни.

موقعیت کنونیترجمه
این متن به زبانهای زیر قابل دسترسی می باشد: روسیفرانسوی

طبقه زندگی روزمره

این درخواست ترجمه "فقط معنی" می باشد.
Я скучаю по тебе, человек в моей жизни.
smaugman پیشنهاد شده توسط
زبان مبداء: روسی

Я скучаю по тебе, человек в моей жизни.

Tu me manque, un homme dans ma vie.

svajarova ترجمه شده توسط
زبان مقصد: فرانسوی

Tu me manques, un homme dans ma vie.
ملاحظاتی درباره ترجمه
pas assez de contexte pour traduire ce texte de façon pointue!
آخرین دارای اعتبار یا ویرایش شده توسط Francky5591 - 12 دسامبر 2010 14:01

آخرین پیامها


11 دسامبر 2010 17:30

تعداد پیامها: 12396
Bonsoir svajarova

Une petite correction à votre traduction, s'il vous plaît :

Tu me manque

Tu me manques

en dehors de cette petite faute, la phrase est bizarrement formulée, je comprendrais la forme :

"Il manque un homme dans ma vie"

mais "tu me manques, un homme dans ma vie" n'est pas très "orthodoxe" en français, car la première proposition est correcte et complète : "tu me manques". Pour que la seconde proposition soit tout aussi correcte et complète, il faudrait réitérer le propos de la première : "Il manque un homme dans ma vie".

Hi Siberia, could you provide me with a bridge for evaluation, please?

Thanks a lot!

CC: Siberia

11 دسامبر 2010 17:50

تعداد پیامها: 611
Most likely "I miss you, man in my life".
Literally "human in my life".

11 دسامبر 2010 22:27

تعداد پیامها: 12396
Ok, thank you Siberia!

As I told svajarova, it sounds a bit odd saying that in French, because the first proposition is already completed, with subject-object-verb (" tu-me-manques" ), then the second proposition that is coming further ( "a man in my life" ) seems willing to be attached for the whole bit to make a whole sentence, but fails to. And this sounds rather odd in French because the lack of "balance", moreover using something like the undefined article "un" which lets "the man" becoming not so close as the subject from the first proposition, "tu". Except if these two propositions were bound by a verb, eg : "Tu me manques, tu es l'homme de ma vie." the shape of the sentence wouldn't be balanced, thus acceptable, as if it does not make any sense we can't validate the translation, we have to translate the feeling expressed in the message, it is a short message so it has to be understood by the addressee.
What would you say about the Russian sentence?
Would you say it is balanced, how do I have to understand "...,man in my life."? Is he the man of her/his life?, or is it to say s/he needs a man in her life, but not necessary the one s/he's missing? Or does s/he say this to every possible human being? <=(would s/he lack a human presence?)

These questions are addressed to Siberia and/or svajarova, but anyone else reading who feels involved with a solid knowledge in both source and target language, feel free to put your two cents in the discussion!

11 دسامبر 2010 22:36

تعداد پیامها: 12396
"Я скучаю по тебе, человек в моей жизни"
something like that, do you see, Siberia?
(Let's see if the google translator can help! Has it got the same meaning as the "real" text above?

I'm far from having a "solid knowledge" at Russian, apart from a few words, sorry for having used an automatic translation tool to let me be understood!

12 دسامبر 2010 14:05

تعداد پیامها: 12396
As this text probably comes from a translation that was done from French into Russian with an automatic translation tool (see above the result I've got with the google translator is exactly the same as the source-text!), I've set the translation request in "meaning only" and I validated svajarova's translation.

12 دسامبر 2010 16:14

تعداد پیامها: 611
Francky, I'm late to answer, but I feel I need to respond.

This sentence is absolutely correct grammatically, but the second part sounds weird.

The first part is fine and in relation to second part it's ok all the same. The coma is needed becuase it's adressing and not because it's another sentence.
I understood that double "tu" in French sounds bad (like in Spanish or Italian which I haven't forgot yet), but it's description of another person, not statement of that s/he is. Example: My beautiful darling, I miss you (not "you are my beautiful darling, I miss you" ).

The only thing that is odd is "human in my life" and not "man of my life". I can live with human (we may call a man this way). But "in my life" is strange.

I think translator did a good job and it should be accepted.

12 دسامبر 2010 16:38

تعداد پیامها: 12396
Thanks Siberia. That's what I did (I accepted the translation), but I've set the original text in "meaning only", as it is displayed in a weird way. Also note I googled a French sentence that would sound more correct : "Tu me manques, tu es l'homme de ma vie" (I miss you, you're the man of my life", and it gave exactly the same text as the one we got above. So what I think, is that the French guy who submitted this did it because he wanted to test the accuracy from the google translator, and/or the accuracy of!