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14 Source language My dearest friend My dearest friend My friend and i have matching tattoos and i would like to have this added to it Completed translations è¦ªå‹ | |
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48 Source language Ovaj prijevod zahtijeva "samo znacenje". kärlek jos sydämesi häviää, niin älä anna toisen sydämen hävitä Edits done according to Maribel's proposal /pias 080731. Before edits: "jos sydän hävsij alä läit toisen sydammen hävsimään" ------- Alternative word for "häviää" --> "katoaa". Alternative word for "hävitä" --> "kadota". Completed translations kärlek | |
223 Source language Ovaj prijevod zahtijeva "samo znacenje". Moj dilbere Moj dilbere kud se šećeš
haj što i mene ne povedeš
haj što i mene ne povedeš
Povedi me u ÄarÅ¡iji
haj pa me prodaj bazardžiji
haj pa me prodaj bazardžiji
Uzmi za me oku zlata
haj pa pozlati dvoru vrata
haj pa pozlati dvoru vrata
Preuzeto sa: "http://bs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moj_dilbere"
Je suis en train d'apprendre ce chant (Moj dilbere), et j'aimerais en connaitre le sens.. Ca me ferait plaisir de pouvoir le chanter en lui donnant son sens.. Merci! Completed translations Mon chéri | |
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374 Source language prevod hola flor de primavera, estas muy bella en la foto me gusta mucho , sabes disculpa no te entiendo mucho dime la escritura es en bulgaro, porque cuando trato de traducirlo al espanol no lo hace volvere a intentarlo ok un besote y cuidate ...ah te estoy invitando para que veas mis fotos de peru y de mi familia ok la pagina es hi5 ok un besote . cuidate un besote Please podrias darme tu telefono para llamarte vale. ahora estoy e nesseber con mi padre. Completed translations Превод | |
347 Source language Ovaj prijevod zahtijeva "samo znacenje". The Partnership has carried out a preliminary... Good practice screening fiche The Partnership has carried out a preliminary study on the situation of disadvantaged groups in the Andalucian labour market that showed that they faced a series of specific and additional problems when creating a business. The main barriers to self-employment were seen to be on the “soft†side and include a lack of motivation and a range of psychological and social problems. Completed translations ПартньорÑтвото проведе предварително | |
400 Source language De ondergeteknde geeft bij deze volmacht aan de... De ondergetekende geeft bij deze volmacht aan de personen werkzaam ten kantore van ..., zo tezamen als ieder van hen afzonderlijk, om voor en namens ondergetekende te verkopen en te leveren. Te dien einde: - de notariële aktie van levering te doen opmaken en te ondertekenen; - de koopsom te ontvangen en daarvoor kwijting te verlenen; - het verkochte in eigendom over te dragen, in het algemeen alles meer te doen wat de gevolmachtigde terzake nodig en/of gewenst acht, zulks met de macht van substitutie. Completed translations Ο κάτωθι υπογεγÏαμμÎνος δια του παÏόντος ... | |
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154 Source language Ovaj prijevod zahtijeva "samo znacenje". metafrash1 Mit dieser Mini USB Soundkarte können Sie bequem Ihren PC oder ihr Notebook soundfähig machen und Lautsprecher sowie ein Mikrofon oder sogar ein Headset zum Telefonieren über das Internet anschließen. Completed translations metafrash1 ΜετάφÏαση | |
123 Source language Ovaj prijevod zahtijeva "samo znacenje". Dónde, cuándo y cómo te volveré a encontrar, me lo... Dónde, cuándo y cómo te volveré a encontrar, me lo imagino con un beso dulzón y el mas tierno del planeta. Ya me preocupa no tener ninguna novedad tuya. diacritics edited <Lilian> Completed translations ΠοÏ... | |
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112 Source language last favour If you're afraid I want to treat you or do you something wrong, just let me know. I won't bother you anymore and delete your number! Completed translations Ultima favoare ultimo favore | |
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